Saturday, April 12, 2008


Who turned on the sauna??
Overall this week the weather has been nice to downright gorgeous in the afternoons/early evenings this week.
Last night it thunder stormed. Now, even though the weather feed on the computer tells me it's only 64, it feels like a steamy 76 or so to me. And I don't have any shorts (at least not ones I can wear in public) that fit right now. Ugh!
Who turned on the sauna?

On the home front, we got our first coat of paint last night. A nice bright white sealer. It looks great. Right now, as I'm typing, my landlady's husband is working on the yellow coat. It's so nice and bright and cheerful! I hope it dries this nice color. Almost like a light lemon meringue. It'll be a perfect color in that room. The room itself tends to be a little dark, since it doesn't have any outside windows of it's own, but two on the wall between the bedrooms. These will be open almost permanently from here on out I'm guessing. That and leaving the adjoining door open is about the only way we can get any air into that bedroom.
This is one of the reasons I don't feel the overwhelming need for a baby monitor. There just isn't going to be that much space or closed doors between me and Boo. At worst, I'll be at the other end of the apartment in the kitchen or bathroom. If I'm in the bathroom, there's probably not much I can do to get to him faster. Besides, I've seen it with plenty of little ones that I've sat for, let them cry a few minutes and they'll often just calm back down and go back to sleep. Yes, it'll be a bajillion times harder when it's my boy doing the crying... but....
Well, I should probably do a few other things around the house before I have to go pick up Gak and Michelle gets here. Just felt like posting a quickie right now.
Peace to all and may you not have a sauna unless you want one.

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