Thursday, February 01, 2007


Well, yesterday added to my stream of odd travel days. What was supposed to be a full, but relatively easy travel day turned into the longest day I've had in a while.
My first flight, while full wasn't bad. I had just enough time to walk from plane to plane in Min. Mind you, I'd gotten side tracked doing work yesterday morning so I didn't get breakfast and Northwest doesn't feed you, unless you pay $2-5. I didn't have any cash on me and it is now 1pm Central time. I eat a granola bar I had stashed in my bag for such emergencies. I make it to Dulles with enough time to get to my plane. I check the board to see where I'm supposed to be. Gate A6, Canceled.
Now what?
Well, after waiting in line at Customer Service (one of the many jobs I really wouldn't want, dealing with cranky travelers all day...) I get no info, but a ticket on the 9:50 flight.
Well, at least I get to eat dinner now.
I was supposed to have dinner with Gak.
Zoe and Kat were going to pick me up at the airport and have dinner with us too.
Oh well, guess that wasn't going to happen.
To make a long painful story a little bit shorter, I ended up getting home at about 1am and still made it into the office by a little after 9. I'm really tired today and have a lot of stuff to get to for this trip next week.
I really can't wait until I get home from CA and have several weeks downtime. Well, not really down time because I have to figure out how to get the email out about my regional training in March in Atlanta and set all of that crap up. I'm not good at this. My two friends in KC were experts. Now they're either gone or doing other things because their jobs are gone. I need them! I have a hard enough time just planning my own travel, let alone an entire seminar. And don't get me started on the fact that I was hoping to have my books revised by now. I guess that'll have to happen in two weeks.
Ok, time for me to go put out fires and get stuff done. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and that's not helping me get stuff done. I feel like that and I tend to just do everything except what I'm supposed to. That whole avoidance thing.
Oh, add to the list of things to do actually print and mail my "New Year's" letter. I wrote it in the beginning of January, but it's been sitting on my computer ever since. *sigh*
Peace to all and may your life be as stress free as possible.

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