Sunday, February 22, 2009

Quick Update

Just a little quickie to update you.  I'll write more later.  Just didn't want anyone to think I'd gone and run off or the like.
I sent out an email, after much thought and editing, to my boss Thursday morning.  No response.  Actually, he hasn't said more than two or three words to me since our meeting last Friday.  He was out Thursday afternoon and Friday, so we'll see what tomorrow brings.

Other than that, life's been good.  Boo has learned how to scoot himself backwards across the floor to get to things.  He's trying to pull up on things.  He still hasn't figured out how to sit up on his own without pulling up on Dadda's or Momma's fingers.  He'll get there though.

We had a very nice dinner with the Ducks last night and played Apples to Apples until it was time for Boo to come home and go to bed.

Anyway, just thought I'd give you a quick update.  Boo wants my attention again.

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

If they give you any more trouble, I'm sure you could get some good advice at the Lactivism forum at if you haven't looked there already.