Thursday, September 20, 2007


Well, this week started off well on the work front. I actually got quite a few things accomplished, but have been steadily running out of steam since. Today was almost useless in many respects. I did get a few odds and ends cleaned up, but none of the major things I needed to tackle got touched. Although, I can't really get too far on one without the input from one of my programmers. I'm doing a special seminar of sorts for the sales guys and this programmer owes me information. I asked for it by tomorrow, but I get the feeling I'll be lucky if I see it by Wednesday. I have to complete it by the end of next week because I'll be gone the week after and then the sales guys will be here. I've got to be able to get it printed while I'm away. No fun.
Last night Gak and I went over to Scott's. He and the guys were playing Warhammer and Kat and I were talking Girl Scout stuff. It looks like Kat's got a lot of neat activities lined up and our girls will earn several Try-It's without even trying too hard. I'm not sure when the first meeting will be, but it should be in a week or two. I know, a bit of a late start to the year, but this is a new troop. Zoe's school has never had any scout troop of any description, so convincing the school to let us is a little more challenging than at some. I'm sure we'll have a blast though. Hopefully by the end of the year we'll attract a few more girls so we can do even more fun stuff. I'm so excited about this.
Tonight I had signed up to go on a raid with Despair. Gak's in this guild. I haven't moved into it yet, I don't want to abandon Wings. I mean, I've got Whispe there still as well as a few others, but I feel like I'd be abandoning Syn and Charitee by moving Addey over. Oh well. But since I'm not actually a member of Despair, I am an alternate for raids. Unfortunately they managed to have a full roster of healers from within the guild. So no merc money or XP or loot for me tonight.
It actually worked out for the best though. I fiddled around on the Internet for a bit and was just about to start playing Paper Mario when Abi called. It was great to talk with her. Her parents are going up to RI this weekend so she was cleaning up a bit and figured she'd see what I was up to. We had a great chat. She was away last weekend in Phoenix with a bunch of people from a game she plays. She really had a great time, which is good. We all need good vacations. We still have tons in common and similar outlooks on a lot of things. Amazing because we came at them from such opposite directions at times. I'm sure I'll be getting at least one email this weekend telling me she's about ready to shoot her parents. (They mean well.... mostly....)
My weekend is looking fun. Michelle is coming up tomorrow night and will be here all weekend. We'll be going to the Ren Faire Sunday. Mom is probably going to join us. (I have to call her and double check.) Gak actually has both days this weekend off. It's been ages since he's had two days in a row off from work. It'll be nice. I almost wish one of those days was just going to be the two of us, but it's OK, we will be with friends we both enjoy.
I found out when my cousin's son's Bris will be. It'll be on Tuesday. It also happens to be both Gak's birthday as well as Halo 3 release day. Gak has to work the midnight release party as well as open on Tuesday. I knew I wasn't going to see him on his birthday much. At least this time it wasn't my fault to begin with! (Stupid, useless sales call last year because the person who was supposed to go got hurt at the picnic that Friday.) I will be heading down to Baltimore for the event. I can't wait to meet the little guy and finally learn his name. I think it's both cruel and cool that Ben and Jenny are keeping his name secret until the Bris. I know for a fact it's driving the grandparents up a wall. Luckily the day is almost here.

Well, that's about it for my life the past few days. I honestly think the highlight was either last night's Girl Scout talks or tonight's call from Abi. What a life huh?
Peace to all and may there be some bright spots in your life.

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