Friday, October 27, 2006

Home Again!!!

I'm HOME!!!
I'm going to be home for at least the next 3 or 4 weeks. I've got a training job with a local set of sites, so I'll be driving up to Allentown instead of down to Hatfield for the next three weeks. Then it's Thanksgiving already.
I am very, very glad to be home for the next several weeks.
Yesterday's flight home was much less interesting than Monday's. The only interesting part was the fact that I was on standby for my last leg since I was coming home a day early. That and Atlanta was backed up as always. It seems that their regional carriers are always backed up for some reason. This time some of it was weather related. I was only about 15 or 20 minutes later than scheduled.
I enjoyed my trip to Alabama. I just wish it hadn't been so grey most of the week. It would have been nice to have a sunny day or two.

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