Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Light??

Well, it's been another week and no new update from me.  It sure has been a busy one.  This time last week I was deep in a funk and hoping there was a light at the end of the tunnel, not even worried if it was a train or not, just trying to find the end.
Well, I think the end is in sight, barely, but it's in sight.  I think this nightmare just might begin to come to an end around May 15th.  Not as soon as I'd like, but close enough.  And totally not possible without a little help from some friends, a lot of luck and a whole lot of work.
Let's see here... as of last Thursday we'd looked at 3 places, was still eyeballs deep in an argument with the landlady, work was being brutal and Boo just wasn't helping any... we'd also looked at a decent apartment and put in an application.

Friday the bug guy was supposed to come.   Well, he was supposed to come if it rained in the morning, if not he was going to come Tuesday.  Well, of course it didn't rain.  So, Boo was in daycare all day for nothing, and we had even more of a disaster area than usual for an apartment.  Friday evening we looked at another apartment.  It would have been great if it had been about 5 years ago and we didn't have Boo.  It really was wonderful.  The place was in a building of four 2-bedroom places back a very long driveway with 2 or 3 other buildings around.  There was a huge yard and some woods and you really felt like you were in the middle of nowhere.  The biggest problem was the overall size and the size of the kitchen and how far away it was.  I can handle small bedrooms if the living area is big.  We spend most of our time in the living room anyhow.  I can deal without a dinning room because, well, all we do usually is let it collect junk.  So, we decided not to put an application in on that one.

Saturday was the last swim class of the session because the pool is being cleaned and repaired this week.  Boo and I then went to the bowling alley to hang out with Zoe and Kat for her final Saturday of the season.  It was also a pizza party... which of course Boo didn't want to eat.  In the evening we went over to Kat's to go through some of the stuff we'd stashed over there because the bug guy was coming and ended up staying for a good while.

Sunday we went and looked at a place on 9th street that we got the number for from Linda.  I loved the place... except that the kitchen was tiny and there was almost no living space on the 1st floor.  The yard was huge.  The bedrooms were very spacious.  There was an entire attic for storage.  But... if the kitchen was bigger than 10 by 8 and the living area 10 by 10, I'm a monkey's uncle (and very bad at guessing distances...).  Even if they are bigger than that, it felt that small.  Again, if we didn't spend all our time in the living room and have 2 computers and a TV and  need a dinning area of some description, it would have worked.  The two biggest pluses of the place was the location, about 1.5 blocks from daycare and the price, about $60/month less than what we're paying now.  We truly agonized over this one.  After going there we head over to Kat's because we needed to pick up the stroller amongst other things.  We end up staying all evening.  Boo really enjoys playing with Zoe now days, which is good.

Sunday while we were out at Kat's we got a message from the apartment on 14th street that we'd looked at on Thursday, asking us to call.  Gak calls Monday and finds out we've been offered the apartment.  It's available May 15th (it's empty now, but he needs to do some work to the one bathroom shower and some other odds and ends) and he wanted to do the paperwork this weekend if we wanted it.  Well, luckily Gak had the excuse of him working Saturday and we've got Zoe's 9th (*gasp*!) birthday party at Knoebles on Sunday.  So, that bought us time until early next week.  Mind you, I was still half in love with the place on 9th street, but the more we talked about it and the more I thought about the living space on the first floor, the more I liked the place on 14th.  I had plenty of advice, many of whom said to go ahead and apply for 9th street (even though they hadn't seen it...) and to keep looking.  I realize 14th street isn't a "forever" solution, but like Steve told me earlier, we're not looking for forever, just "for now".  I figure we'll be able to stay there a good 3-4 years before really wanting or needing to move again.  Even if we decide to try for number 2 in the near future (which is still very much up in the air...). But, the one big thing that Gak and I could agree on is that we're both tired of looking.  We also agree that we really couldn't find anything more convenient.  Cheaper maybe, but not more convenient and it's not really cheaper if we would have to get a second car...  So, after much agonizing, I came to the conclusion that yes, 14th street is good and we should take it.  Gak had already decided, but was waiting on me.  Now, to just scrape the $1800 together for early next week...

There were two important birthdays that I didn't mention this week and one other exciting event.  My brother turned 32 on Monday (how can he be that old, I'm not that old am I?) and Zoe turned 9 on Wednesday.  (How did that happen?)  Congratulations to both of them to making it through another year safe and sound.  And major congratulations to my brother and Becca, my sister-in-law to be!  Yep, Jon proposed on his birthday and Becca said yes.  I think it's wonderful.  I've counted Becca as part of the family for quite some time now.  I guess this means eventually we'll all be heading out to CA for a wedding (unless they become totally spontaneous and just do the courthouse thing...).  So, yeah, there were definitely some good things this week.

I think I've rambled on long enough.  I did get 22-month dragon pictures of Boo on Monday.  (I know, I know, almost 23 month picture time...) but they're still on my camera.  I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures to post after this weekend.  I'm totally looking forward to it, Boo's finally old enough to enjoy it and ride some rides and understand what's going on.  I really hope we can pull off a camping trip up there this summer.  (We were originally going to go the weekend after his birthday, but we'll be moving the rest of our stuff at that point I'm sure...)

Peace to all and may there be a light at the end of the tunnel and may it not be a train.

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