Thursday, November 22, 2012


Well, as we can all see, I've done terribly with my self imposed 30 days of thanks challenge.  Oh well, I haven't done very well in general with the whole blogging thing this year.  There are lots of reasons for it, but mostly just excuses.

But, today is Thanksgiving here in the US.  And boy do I have a lot to be thankful for on this day.  Lots of things both big and small.

I'm thankful for the obvious things, that I have a roof over my head, that I can afford to feed my family and clothe us and still have a bit extra for fun things like hobbies.  I'm thankful that I have such a wonderful family.

But, I'm also thankful for the small things.  I'm thankful that my turkey and all the other dishes I made today turned out so well and were enjoyed by everyone.  I'm thankful that my mom and dad decided to have a Thanksgiving just with them and enjoyed it.  I'm thankful that I have so many wonderful friends who are family to me and that we could enjoy the day together.

I'm thankful that Steph's mom is doing better.  (Long story short, Steph is in Florida right now because her mom went to the hospital with what started out as pneumonia and quickly deteriorated to all kinds of diabetes affected problems as well, including being put on a vent... she's now off the vent and should be released from the ICU back to a regular room soon.)  I'm thankful in general for the continued good health of my family and friends.  Sure, we all have our issues (some of us more than others these days) but in general we're all fairly healthy.

In general, I'm just very thankful for the life I have.  I have so much more than so many people in the world.  I take it all for granted way too often and my complaints really are minor compared to some.  Sure, my life's been a bit rough this year, but overall, it's been good.

So, I wish everyone peace and may you have many things in your life to be thankful for.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

It is always good to count those blessing. Glad you have many!