I'm having a hard time coming up with something to be thankful for. It's not that life isn't good today, it's that we really didn't do much.
We all managed to sleep in, somewhat, even with the stupid time change. Breakfast was uneventful. I managed to come up with a decent grocery list and dinner menus for the week. We even managed to run to Target, decide to skip the grocery store (the lot was packed and I just didn't feel like dealing) and had a nice lunch at the pizza place around the corner. Boo even napped without any hassle. I managed to spend some quality Rift time with Gak while the boy slept and was able to answer a simple question that came through the beeper phone.
So, I guess in general I'm thankful for quiet weekend days. It was a nice day to just relax with the family.
On a side note, the weather is getting colder. And I hope like crazy that I stop feeling so freaking cold all the time. This really is beginning to stink big time. The thermostat is set at what I normally consider a comfortable level. I am comfortable most of the time, but when I'm not, boy am I not comfortable. I sit here in my chair huddling and shivering in my sweatshirt... And I know it's just me. When I take a nice long, hot shower and finally feel warm in the inside, my skin is warm and I'm sweating. Don't get me started about feeling both stinking hot and freezing cold at the same time at night. I'm surprised Gak hasn't kicked me out of bed yet. So, I keep taking the vitamins and keep trying to figure out why I'm just not feeling like myself.
Sorry, had to rant a moment.
Anyhow, I'm off to play with yarn or read for a bit before crashing.
Peace to all and may you have a relaxing day now and again.
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