There was some good news from Friday though. And I had a nice big, happy post all written up in Word to copy and paste into Blogger, but closed it without saving at the end of the day. *Sigh* Oh well. That's life.
Anyhow, the good news is that my $20 (if you count the $11 flannel I wanted to buy anyhow), thrown together in 30 minutes scarecrow costume actually won the Halloween costume contest at work. Yes, pictures exist. No, I don't have them yet, neither DL nor T had them off their cameras by the time they left work. I had my camera with me, but didn't take any pictures. All I know is that to suddenly see your business manager appear right outside your cube wearing a costume that looked like Bride of Frankenstein ridding Frankenstein's monster piggy back is not a good thing when you're in the middle of a serious work conversation. I was trying to talk with a lady from New York about what all we needed to do to resubmit her data, and he appears right in the periphery of my vision. I had to apologize for bursting out laughing, because it was no laughing matter that we were talking about.
Anyhow, If I get some pictures, I'll share.
Reporting month ended like a bear and there's still a little cleanup yet this week. Hopefully it'll only be a few more days. Then I'll be able to switch to both parts and service again and "relax" a little until the January reporting month. Not like it'll be all that relaxing, but it'll be easier work for a little bit.
Two cool things from the weekend though. Boo turned 17 months old yesterday! (No new dragon pictures, we just didn't get there....) and Boo and I went to Mel and Ant's family birthday party. Yep, I officially have a teenager in the "family" now. Mel is 13 and Ant turned 9. Scary things. It was a good time and I always love the chance to see Mel and Ant and Joan. Hopefully we'll be able to get together again before Christmas. I mean, they don't live that far away, but during the school year, it's a bit tough.
Anyhow, I've got to get my butt in gear and out the door.
Peace to all and may your spooks be sweet.
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