PopPop, Boo and I went to the playground in the park near their house after lunch. There were so many kids and parents. All of us were trying to make the most of what will probably be the last beautiful weekend day for quite some time. Boo had a pretty good time exploring the "new" playground. Yes, we'd been here a few times before, but he wasn't really walking yet. It was nice to get some time in with just me and my dad. I don't get enough of that, and he's not getting any younger.
We climbed, and slid and explored and swung and played with all kinds of things. Then when we were all done, we went back to the house and Boo took a nice long nap.
This was the best part of the weekend, getting a chance to spend some time with my family. Of course, if Jon and Becca were on the East Coast, that would be even better. They're not coming out east until maybe Christmas time. They got busy (with Jon's game being released on the 8th and Becca's been doing lots of work stuff too) and totally didn't get around to planning Thanksgiving. That's OK. We'll see them when they make it out here. I just wish we could afford (and had the vacation time) to visit all the family scattered across the country. I'd like to go see them for a change instead of everyone coming here. (Although, with a toddler it's definitely easier for people to come to me....)
Anyhow, I've got a boy who's trying (still) to not go to sleep in his bed, even though it's an hour after his bedtime. I was sure he was going to crash by the time we got to the turnpike, he was beginning to trip over himself, but nope, he's still going.
The rest of the weekend was just normal weekend stuff, and same with the end of the work week. I'm really not looking forward to going to work tomorrow, but that's just the insomnia catching up with me. Last night was really bad, but it wasn't my fault. The neighbors were playing their stereo loud enough for me to hear the base line until at least 1:00, if not 2. And I was tired to begin with. Oh well. I'm not going to complain, I think this is the second time in well over a year that they've done something like that. No use causing trouble over that. (I know there are many less tolerant souls out there, but... it really wasn't that big of an issue, since I didn't have to go to work today.)
At least I've got 5 days this week and then next week I'm off for the entire week. Which is good because I'll need the three days (well 2, because we're doing something fun on the 23rd) before Thanksgiving to get the house ready. Mom and Dad are coming up here for Thanksgiving. It'll be nice. It'll be really nice because Boo has his toys here and his bed here and it'll be easier to keep him out of trouble. Not that we don't enjoy visiting Amma and PopPop, but they haven't had to childproof the house in about 25 years or so (since my brother is over 30 now) and there are just too many things for Boo to get in to and his toys are all here and not there. Luckily Amma and PopPop are very tolerant when it comes to a little boy strewing DVD cases and plastic food containers all over the house.
Anyhow, there are some more pictures from today up on my Flickr. Enjoy. I'm going to go to bed now.
Peace to all and may your days and hearts be filled with sunshine and family.
1 comment:
Nice Eagles shirt :) Now just make sure his first sentance fragment is "Beat Dallas!"
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