Anyhow, we had more ick from the sky today. But not too much, it was just about all done by 11 am and hadn't really started until 7 or 8 to begin with. Just enough to be annoying.
We did have a good morning though. We had breakfast at the dinner. Then we went up to the big book store for some last minute things. (I can now say that I do not need to buy another present for anyone... at least until birthdays start rolling around again.... or I feel like it, which is probably more like it...) We then stopped at Gak's work and the grocery store. I've been fighting a bit of a bug or something since Friday. My guts haven't been to happy with me. (TMI, but I tend to get like this if I haven't had any yogurt in my diet in a while... and well... it's been a while.... so tomorrow I start eating it again and hope that helps...) So, Boo and I stayed home while Daddy went to the Q-mart on his weekly prowl. I almost got a nap in, but was just about to fall asleep when Gak got home. Oh well.
I have no idea what the boys got me for Christmas. Gak wrapped things this morning while I nursed the boy. Or I should say, he wrapped one thing and boxed up everything else and got me to wrap the box. Somehow, I'm not sure that's fair. Anyhow, despite the crowds, Boo did very well yesterday. He didn't get fussy until they got home, and by that time he was hungry. Apparently, if I don't like the color of one thing, I can blame Boo because he chose it. We've been giving Boo the chance to decide between two shirts when getting dressed. Gak continued this when shopping yesterday. He said he got lots of strange looks. I think it's great.
Anyhow, just wanted to quickly post that there are new pics up and to take a look.
Peace to all and may your weekends be good.
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