Yes, Boo turned 6 months old yesterday.
Yes, he's sitting, almost standing, all by himself on his dragon.
No, I'm not ready for him to be this old yet.
Let's see just a fraction of what Boo has learned to do over the last 6 months. He's learned how to nurse, and how to drink from a bottle. He's even learning to eat solid food as well. He's learned how to sleep through the night. Boo is very good at grabbing things and getting better at it all the time. He can track both sounds and sights and can recognize people he likes and will look for them. He's learned how to sit, how to bounce and is trying to roll over. He's discovered feet and fingers and plays or sucks on them whenever he can. He's learned how to hold his head up too. He's also learned about books and stories.
Yep, that's only a fraction of what he can do now that he couldn't do 6 months ago. And he keeps growing by the moment! He can do so many things and is going to learn so much more, just within the next few months. I'm amazed every time I look at him.
Anyhow, I think Boo is trying to wake up, so I'd better hop in the shower quick before he decides that he wants breakfast now.
Peace to all and may time not move quite so quickly.
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