This has been a good weekend. Not in the spending lots of time with friends hanging out and having fun.
Yesterday after Gak got off work we went and had our taxes done. We're due a bit of a return this year, which is nice. After getting done with the taxes, we headed down to Montgomeryville. I had to run to Target to return the rug that didn't match the living room and Gak doesn't' get out as much so figured we could use a side trip. Well, Gak's been looking for a new monitor off and on for a while. We found a deal at Best Buy we just couldn't pass up. He now has a 19" flat screen monitor. It has all but solved his glare problem. He's very happy with it. As you can see, it has really cleared up a lot of desk space. I also picked up a replacement camera. I ended up getting an L6 instead of an L3. I'm really happy with it. It's just like my L3, except that it is 6 megapixles instead of 5.
I also finished up an afghan I'd been working on. You can see it on the Flickr sidebar. It's actually a navy and a mint and looks great. I may or may not use the pattern again. I really like the look of it, but you do it in strips which you have to join. Not my idea of fun.
Well, I'm going to get off here now and finish having a lazy Sunday. Peace to all and may you have at least a few bright spots in your life.
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