This first one is Scout trying her best to take over the two Linus blankies. The blue one is almost square. I meant to make it square, but I missed by about an inch or so. It's a waffle weave pattern I've done before. I used some yarn I picked up in North Dakota a few weeks back. I did most of it on my plane rides Monday and Friday. I finished it up yesterday. I'm impressed at how quickly it really went. The white and bright is a pattern I got out of a book I have. Of course I modified it a bit, since I can't seem to stick to any set of directions long. The bright is RedHeart Super Saver. I'm never using it again. It was very tough on my hands while I was working it. It washed up OK, but not great. I also whipped up for Gak, but I didn't get a picture of it.
Here are two pictures of the truck. This is the only damage that the tuck has. From the top one, you can almost see that the car that hit me was a dark red. There is amazingly little damage. It's mostly annoying. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get it into the shop and it'll be done quickly. I'm just glad I have the insurance I do. They're taking really good care of me and very quickly too.
Well, I'm going to end this post here. Peace to all and may you not have as much chaos in your life as I do.
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