We finally got our first real storm of the season. Well, maybe not a storm by some definitions but a couple of inches of snow over night followed by sleet today counts as a storm in my book. I'm working from home today because I've got the rental and don't feel like sliding down the highway. I've actually been almost productive.
I was pretty productive last night. As you can see, Scout begged me to make her a hat like mine. So, I spent a bit of time playing with the pattern for my hat and she's very happy with it. I used some leftover yarn from my poncho. I love it. I even managed to get the ear holes spaced right! I think this hat makes her even cuter than usual. Gak thinks it's cute too. I'd made him a hat earlier in the week, just like the one I made my brother but bigger. I didn't get pictures of either so guess I can't share.
In game life has been quite interesting in a way. Gak has decided to almost 100% leave EQII and go hang with some buddies over on WoW. This doesn't mean much for me really, since I convinced him to stay and play with me on EQII on weekends. Since I'm not home much during the week, his move doesn't affect me much. Some of our other friends are not very happy. They were much happier when I told them I'd convinced him to spend at least a little time with us. For myself on the other hand, I've completely left Oops. They're heading into a he4avy raiding direction and I judt don't get much enjoyment out of it. That's part of why I was never playing much. I didn't feel like being guilted into going on a raid. It's not that bad. I left under friendly terms and still have friends there. Also Gak, Syn, Charitee and myself had started a guild for our Fey alts. Well, it's now home to most of our toons. Charitee still has a few in Oops, and that's more than fine by me. I don't want others to leave Oops just because I did. I've never wanted that and I'm sorry it happened with the Knighthood. I still hear from a few of them now and again and they're doing well.
Well, I guess I should get back to work. Just took a break to grab some food. Gak still has to go in at 2, so I'll have to get dressed soon to take him. Peace to all and may you have a warm place to be and someone to snuggle with.
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