I've got loads on my mind, but nothing that's been able to be formed into anything post-worthy or even not post-worthy drivel. So, I'm going to have a picture laden post for you with all kinds of goodies from our trip last weekend, with a few words to 'splain things a bit.
Sunday morning is when we left to go up to Knobels. Gak, Boo and I left from our place around 9 so we could stop at Cabella's before going up so I could try and find some pants that fit. Cabella's sizes tend to run a bit small, but they don't usually believe in this thing called "low-rise" which I can't wear and will not explain for your amusement. Those of you who know me, can figure out why they just don't work. I managed to find a pair of pants that fit just right. Unfortunately, the blue were only in "tall", so I couldn't pick up two pair. Gak even found a pair of shirts that fit him wonderfully.
Just as we were getting done with our shopping, I get a text from Kat that they were all just getting to Cracker Barrel, which is across the street. The plan having been that we would all meet up for brunch there.
Boo ate almost two whole pancakes and a full cup of milk. He got very mad at me when I tried to cut one of his pancakes into slightly smaller pieces, so he just picked up the other one and chowed down. This is near the end of the meal.
After lunch we all caravaned up to Knobels. It was a pretty uneventful ride and Boo even napped for about an hour or so. Once we got up there, we set up our tents. I told you last week I got a new one for us, and well, I love it. It's so very easy to set up (even with Zoe "helping") and is very roomy. It would comfortably sleep a family of four, if everyone's stuff stayed in the car for the most part.
Boo liked the tent very much. Especially once I inflated his air mattress. I think he would have been happy to play in there until bedtime. The only reason he couldn't is that it was 3:00 in the afternoon and about 95 degrees in the tent.
We were going to take the kids into the park to ride a few rides before dinner, but everyone seemed to be happy just hanging out and then Zoe broke out the sidewalk chalk. That kept everyone entertained for quite some time. Oh, the kids we had were Boo, Zoe, Mel and Ant and Rachel and Billy. Billy's a bit younger than Zoe, and Rachel is the same age as Mel.
Boo actually had fun watching and coloring a little bit too. It was nice that he was able to be included with the "big kids". Sometimes it stinks having so much of an age difference between him and the others.
Most of the cooking on the camping trip is handled by Andy. Here he is cooking the first of the burgers and waiting for the water for the corn to boil. As usual, camp food always tastes better than home food, even when it's the exact same thing.
After dinner we hung out and talked and the kids played. Andy's dad and step-mom and youngest sister had come by for dinner as well. (Mary had a procedure scheduled for Tuesday in Danville, which is right near by... so they were in the area anyhow, but were staying at a hotel instead of camping.) At just about 8:00 boo starts going over to our tent and saying "night night" and "bed" and just being fussy and cranky. I was going to let him stay up a bit later if he wanted, but apparently he didn't want to. About 5 minutes or less after I put him to bed, here he is zonked out. He woke up a couple of times in the night, once patting Gak on the shoulder going "Poppa.... poppa...", to which Gak replied "it's night-night time, go back to sleep" and he did!
Everyone else went to the fire works in Shamokin, but I was on people overload at this point and Gak didn't really file like going, so we hung out with the camp fire for a while before I crashed. Unfortunately, I didn't get to sleep right away, thanks to neighbors setting off fire works. It woke Boo once, but he rolled over and went back to sleep without a fuss.
There was a rock in our set of camp sites that Boo was fascinated by and couldn't stop climbing up and down and sitting on. He really enjoyed it and was just too darn cute.
Monday we spent a good part of the day in the park. The rides opened at around 11, and we were in the park by 11:30. Much fun was had by all. Zoe got to play "big kid" and show Boo how it's done with the rides. Billy also joined us on the tamer rides. Boo even got to "drive" his own bumper car. (A huge THANK YOU to the young woman operating the ride who pushed his car around because he didn't quite get the "step on the button" part. I wasn't expecting him to get his own car, but they gave him one anyhow...)
After several rides and a lot of hot weather, we met up with everyone and standing still for about 2 minutes was just long enough for Boo to conk out in his stroller. He napped for about 45 minutes or so.

Gak and I had ice cream for lunch. We all headed back up to the campsite and everyone else had sandwiches, Boo ran around for a bit and we headed out back home.
So, overall it was a fun weekend and Boo did great with his first camping trip. I really didn't think he'd have any issues, but you never know with holiday weekend campsites.
Anyhow, hopefully in the next few days I'll be able to put some of the things that are bouncing around in my head into writing and post something a little more "meaningful". (But, I really enjoy doing these family moment posts too...)
Peace to all and may your weekends be fun and filled with good friends and good times.
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