We had so much fun.... or at least I did. I'm pretty sure the boys did too.
Let's see, what did I forget, since we all know I can't go anywhere without forgetting something. The most important things I forgot was Boo's and my hair brushes. That was easily solved. That and I didn't make sure Gak had enough short sleeved shirts. I honestly thought the weather was going to be cooler than it was and that at least one day we'd be thankful for longer sleeves, but I was wrong.
Anyhow, on to the chronicles of the adventure. You will notice that there is a slew of new pictures and even some video up on the Flickr. Yep, I finally got video of my son walking, and boy was he walking like a true toddler all this week!
Saturday we got on the road fairly easily. We stopped at the Wa Wa for drinks and a few munchies before hitting the Turnpike. I think this is the first time in several trips that I've headed down in the direction of Delaware or Maryland that I haven't hit traffic somewhere on the trip. Traffic was a breeze. Jay called us around 5 asking where we were and we had just passed Dover. So, instead of her going out to eat with Jean, we convinced her to meet us at Grotto Pizza on Long Neck. We got there shortly after 6, and Jay was a bit later. We were just about to order when Gak gets a call from Mom asking where we were and she's about 10-15 minutes out and was about to stop for dinner, so decided to join us. Talk about perfect timing!
Grotto's is a favorite, and I do mean favorite pizza place of this clan. Well, I think Gak's growing to like it and Boo still doesn't like Pizza yet. But, when we would go down to the beach every week as kids, we'd go there on average of once a week. You won't find pizza like it anywhere.
After some minor misadventures getting to Bobbie's house, we settle in for the evening. Or at least we try to. It turns out that the room we put Boo's pack-n-play in is the one room in the house that he hates. We eventually get him to go to sleep. Oh, did I mention he slept from just after we got on the Turnpike until just past Dover? He did. I was so happy about that.
On Sunday we decide to go into Rehoboth for the day. We couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather if we wanted too! It wasn't too hot and there was a nice breeze and the ocean water was nice and warm. We spent a bit of time when we first got there wandering around the Avenue poking about in some stores. We picked up some beach towels since mine were sitting on my bed here in PA and Mom's was at Bobbie's house. I also picked up a very nice shirt that was on sale, it just needs about 20 minutes of tailoring to make it just right.
After this shopping, it was time to go on to the beach!
Mind you, Boo hasn't been in a swimming pool since one time last summer and has never been on sand. He eventually warmed up to the sand and played in it quite merrily for a while. We then went down to the water itself. He does not like to walk on sand. Nope, not at all. He likes the sound, but then again, as I reminded Gramma, it probably sounds a lot like the womb and he's still young enough to have that memory a little more in place than us older types.
Everything went very well until he took an accidental dumping and then dumped a bucket of sandy salt water on himself. Luckily he recovered from that quite quickly and was content to play in the sand for a good long bit. We had some PB&J for lunch (none for the boy, he had other snacks and none for the gulls either!) and called it ice cream time (and time to refill the meter, which now takes plastic and is computerized... Sunday was the last day for the season.)
By the time we got the boy changed out of his sandy swim trunks and into some dry clothes and walked the block to the ice cream place, he was asleep. Oh well, he missed the ice cream, but the rest of us enjoyed it and a walk along the boards.
Monday was a marathon shopping day. Unfortunately, this wasn't too much fun for Gak and well, I made him feel a bit like a third wheel. I didn't mean too, but I guess I just have this routine when I'm there and in all honesty, I don't remember much about having a dad/grown male along on vacations. I have vague memories of our trips to New Mexico and California and even vaguer memories of a trip to Colorado, but once we moved out here, Dad really stopped coming on vacation with us. I have to try harder on this. I love having Gak around and I want him to come on vacation with us, as he needs the escape as much as I do and well, I love having him around.
Anyhow, back to the shopping. We managed to buy a lot of stuff for less than $200 at the outlets. I got a shirt, some pants and some socks etc. and Boo got a good portion of his winter wardrobe (size 18-24 or 24-48 (2T) in shirts, size 18-24 in pants). I think he's good on pants, he just needs shirts now. And I'm thinking now that he's a champion walker, onsies are soon to be a thing of the past, it's just easier to change a shirt than a onsie at this stage.
Mom actually only shopped with us for the beginning and the end, as she had lunch with Jay in the middle. For lunch, since Boo was asleep, the three of us went back into Rehoboth and had Grotto Pizza at the original location on the Avenue. Yum!
After the shopping, we all headed back to the house. I got cleaned up a bit and after a while Gak and I went out to celebrate his birthday. No, his birthday isn't until Friday, but we had a sitter handy, so we took the opportunity while we could. We went back into Rehoboth again and had dinner at the Dogfish Head Brewery. I had some of the most amazing rum I've tasted (although, my Cruzan rum is just as yummy, but different) that they distill and Gak had a sampling of their own brewed beers. Gak had what looked to be a nice piece of prime rib and I had enough fish and chips for two! As a matter of fact, Gak helped me. Yes, I ate fish, willingly. I like fish if it's a nice, bland white fish that's been batter dipped and deep fried. Actually, this was pretty good stuff.
After the nice dinner we walked down to the boardwalk and the beach and had a nice romantic stroll on the beach. All of this was his idea. Here it is, his birthday celebration and he's the one coming up with all the cool romantic stuff. *sigh* I'm such a looser when it comes to things like that. Oh well. I have other talents. (Like annoying the hell out of my husband... I'm not sure I should be proud of that one....)
Yesterday was a nice, low key day. Or at least, we were going to attempt to keep it low key. We went over to Pot Nets, where Gram used to live, to go to the inlet. In hind sight, I should have asked Gak if he wanted to go or if he wanted to stay home and get some alone time. I didn't and well, he felt like an extra wheel. AARGH.
Boo had to get over his distrust of sand again, but once he did he was happy boy. He even stood on his own in the "waves" (all of 2-3 inches) and even tried walking in the water! He may just turn into a beach bum yet. That would make me so happy. Actually, if he prefers hiking and canoeing in the mountains, I'd be just as happy.
Last night we had dinner at the Georgia House in Millsboro with Jay and Bobbie. It was soo good to see these two. I hadn't seen Jay in about 3 years or so and I hadn't seen Bobbie since Gram's memorial service. They were two very important ladies in my childhood. Dinner was a bit rough, but the company was good.
Boo did not sleep well at all this trip. Sunday was a bit better than Saturday if only because we moved his pack-n-play into the dinning area. Monday he didn't want to fall asleep in his pack-n-play and ended up zonking out next to his gramma on the sofa. Last night was the easiest he went down, but since he didn't get a nap until 6:00 when I finally put him in the car and drove around the block, he got his second wind by the end of dinner and didn't go down until about 9 or 9:30 and was up by 7. He did sleep quite well on the trip home and we got him into bed at about 7:30.
Overall, this was a successful trip. I look forward to trying to get on the schedule for the house next year. And I will make sure to double or triple my effort to not just steamroller the whole trip and make sure that Gak feels as included as I well and truly think that he is.
Anyhow, it's now past 9:00 and I've got to be at work in the morning. Abi is visiting her mom from Phoenix from today until Sunday. She's leaving Sunday and is going to AC on Saturday with Jessi, so I'm not sure how we'll get a chance to get together..... Stupid time zones and jobs.
Peace to all and may your vacations be good and the sun warm and the water cool.
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