Wednesday, June 10, 2009

One Step Closer

Well, I'm one step closer to finally getting a resolution that will work well for both me and my family and the business as a whole.  You see, this morning I signed an offer letter to change positions.  Starting Monday I will technically no longer be training manager, but a software service and parts specialist.  On paper it's a step or two down, but in my eyes, it's a step sideways into a slightly new role that I'm already good at most of (I've never really worked with the parts end of things before).  This will give me some new challenges to meet, keep my knowledge in the business and give the business a chance to get someone who is much better at the management and drive end of training in.
Yes, I will still have to travel, at least a little bit.
No, it will never be 60-08% again.

The only thing I'm worried about is the actual transition.  I mean, it looks great on paper, but I just hope we make it work and work quickly.  Management couldn't post the training manager position until I signed the offer for the service/parts position.  This is the first time we're combining service and parts work, so that'll be a bit of a bumpy road at first.  Since we don't have an actual training manager starting Monday, I'll still have to do a good bit of that until we get someone and get them up to speed I'm guessing.  So, this won't be an instant transition.  It's not like I'm leaving company A and taking a brand new job with Company B.  I'm not even moving desks.  I'll still be carrying around a bit of baggage from the "old" job.  I just hope I'll be able to put it into someone else's capable hands soon.

We shall see.
My good attitude still prevails.  Of course, this job "change" doesn't hurt... and neither does the butt kicking we've been doing in general in service.  We finally reached a goal that was thrown out to us a year ago about backlog.  We're all feeling pretty darn good about it, I just hope we don't get over confident and let it slide.  Of course, the incentive of a dinner or some other celebration provided by management doesn't hurt.

Well, back to the grind.  Just thought I'd give you a quick little update with some new information.  So, yes, I'm beginning to really see the sun through the clouds.

Peace to all and may things move in the right direction for you!


Chelsea said...

Congratulations on your job resolution!

Addey said...

We're not out of the woods yet. The actual transition has to happen. Once that happens, then I'll truly celebrate. (Maybe with yarn even!)