Happy Birthday my baby Boo! One year ago today you came into this world. Wasn't he so tiny?! Wasn't he so little, and doesn't Gak look so terrified?
What an amazing year it has been. I still can't get over how far we've all come in this journey and how far is yet to go and how fast it has already gone by. There are some things I remember with crystal clarity. I remember the rainy trip up to the hospital. I remember the joy of hearing him cry for the first time. I remember coming home and not being able to move well or get much sleep the first few days. I remember first baths, eye contact, smiles giggles and so much more. Some of it is already beginning to fade into distant memory... was he 8 months or 9 months or maybe 10 when he got his two top teeth? I couldn't tell you the day he started going dadadada all the time, or the day he started going mamama... but he does. I can tell you exactly how it felt to leave him at daycare for the first time, but I can't tell you when I finally accepted it (and I have...).
Amazing. And so many more amazing things to do and discover on this journey, for both him and us, his parents. Just amazing.
Yesterday was a terrific day. We had perfect weather (other than about a 20 minute sprinkle that was mostly wind and bluster...). We had lots of friends, plenty of food (I always panic about this...) and good times. Boo wasn't sure what to make of his cake, but he did explore it in his cautious way and did seem to enjoy it eventually. He got lots of neat presents from all of our friends and family.
I think the most amazing part was the fact that I had both Andy and Michelle in the same place, at the same time! This hasn't happened since my wedding. Michelle surprised us all by calling us at about 7:30 in the morning saying she was about to get in the shower and drive up. She might not be able to stay long, but she was coming. I nearly cried when she said that. (I did cry when she left... I hate not knowing when I'll see her next and her being so far away.... I miss being able to get together with her every month or so at the most.)
I have lots and lots of pictures. I posted over 60 of them from the past two weeks up to the Flickr account. See, there are a few of them over on the side bar. Go, look, enjoy. I would post more here, but Blogger isn't very fun to post multiple pictures in a post with, so you'll have to make do with only two.

Yep, this picture was taken today of my big One Year Old Baby Boy. I can't believe how old he looks. There are times, like when he's sleeping, that I still see that 8 lb little smidgen of a boy. Mostly I just see a boy growing like a weed and wrapping himself tighter and tighter around my heart if that's even possible.
I would have a good dragon picture from today, but at the time that we were ready to do them, he just wasn't having anything to do with it. He was a bit of a cranky boy most of the day, as he played way too hard and didn't nap near enough yesterday. That's OK. We didn't have anything on the schedule really. Tomorrow he's got a doctor's appointment in the morning and a photo appointment in the evening. After this I'm thinking we'll do this once a year. Although, it's hard to decide if it'll be birthday time or holiday time, since they're opposite on the calendar. I'll make up my mind on that later.
Anyhow, I'm going to go enjoy some me time. I've got a sleeping boy, a sleeping Nana and Gak is off at Warhammer. I've got the house to myself and I think I'm going to enjoy some quiet time.
Peace to all and may your memories be more sweet than bitter and may the adventures be good and many.
Ok, Ok, so I had to post 3... (of course, I've made a mess of it twice not...) This is from yesterday.
I know I haven't been around much, but give Boo a big birthday hug and belly raspberry from me! Man, time is going sooo fast- hummm...
Hugs to everyone else too!
Boo sends giggles and finger-sucks your way. We haven't been overly communicative either... bah.
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