Well, I had my 6-week followup doctor visit this morning. All is looking good, I'm healing just fine. I don't have to go back until December for my annual checkup. It's so weird not to have to go back until then. I mean, I've been going there at least every four weeks or less since November.
Boo has his 6-week checkup on Tuesday. I'd gladly post pictures of him, but I've been a bad Momma this week and have only taken a few pictures and they're still on the camera. He's doing well. He's had a few big adventures this week. Tuesday we took Nana to the airport, Wednesday we went to work for the afternoon and Thursday he went with me down to the good yarn store and ran a few other errands as well with me. Last night we had dinner over at Kat's house and then went for a nice long walk "around the block". Chris, Dianne and Scott joined Gak, Kat, Zoe, Seamus and I. It was a good, if long evening.
Today while I was at the doctor he stayed home with his daddy. Uncle Allen stopped by this morning. This was the first Al had a chance to see the little guy. It was nice to get a chance to catch up with Al. He stayed until about 1 or 1:30. I've got to be better about keeping in touch with him. That and I can't wait until we can get his little girl together with Boo. It'll be fun.
Overall, it's been a slow news week here. It's been nice and quiet. We like it that way overall. I don't really have much else to say. I have no idea what all we're doing this weekend. Hopefully something fun. Maybe I'll even get more pictures of Boo!
Peace to all and may you have quiet weeks and good times.
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