This weekend was quite full and quite hectic. This picture was taken Sunday at the "Welcome Boo" party.
Friday was the Fourth. It was a calm holiday. We went down to my parents and just had an enjoyable afternoon. We went over to their gallery on the way down, so that Nana could see the business. We didn't get to go see any fireworks because it was raining. That, and it was late enough that we decided we should probably head home anyhow. We did see a few go off on our way back, which was pretty neat.
Saturday was a full day. I did laundry. Boo did very well for most of the time riding in his pouch. He really does like it there. The biggest problem, for both of us, was that it was very warm and sticky.
When we got home, I promptly stripped Boo to his diaper, changed him and powdered him and gave him lunch. I also ditched my hot, sweaty shirt in an attempt to cool off. Shortly thereafter Scott stopped by. Luckily we were in Boo's room so Scott's sensibilities weren't offended. (I didn't care, I was hot, sticky and needed to feed my son....)
Michelle and Abi also got there right as I was finishing feeding Boo. It was really great to see both of them. I hadn't seen either of them since the shower. I am still impressed that Abi came all the way down from RI just for the weekend. Abi brought me the coolest T-shirt. It's a momma dragon feeding a knight in armor to her baby. It's really cute. Oh, and parts of it glow! Michelle brought up all kinds of neat stuff, the best being the quilt that she made Boo. Of course, I haven't had a chance to get a picture of it, so you'll just have to wait. It's very bright and colorful and has dragons on it! It's so great, and I'm sure he'll get plenty of great use out of it.
After the girls got here, and snuggled the boy for a few, we went and got lunch at Red Robin. We also made a quick Target run before heading over to Kat's to help get stuff set up for Sunday's party. I wasn't much help because I had a boy strapped to me. There was a bit of scrubbing and moving of chairs and tables. Scott and Gak also created a horseshoe pit and did a beer run.

Sunday's party was quite fun. Mom made these fabulous cupcakes instead of a cake. Can you tell she had a bit of fun with it?

As you can see, Boo got lots of snuggle time with lots of people. There were more, but you'll have to go over to the Flickr to see them. Unfortunately, Abi had to go home Sunday morning because her back was bothering her so much, she could hardly move. We really missed her, but it was more important that she make it home safely. And also, being the bad Momma that I am, I didn't get any pictures of all her snuggle time with the boy on Saturday. I really do have to remember to take more pictures. (Of course, Boo's so cute... it's hard not to take pictures of him when I'm thinking about it...)
It was a long day. We probably stayed about an hour or so longer than we should have. It was hard getting Boo settled for the night, but once he did, he slept for about 5 hours. That was nice for me and Gak. It was really good to see everyone. Not everyone showed up who we thought would, but it was a good group that did show up. It was nice and low key. The weather was perfect. It didn't get too hot and it was nice and dry. The sun even came out for a bit.
Oh, and Boo is official. Just over a week ago now, we got his birth certificate from the state! So, according to them, we now have a son. (We'd known this for a while...) He's also official with the U.S. Social Security office. I think it was just under a week after we got the birth certificate, we got Boo's Social Security card. I wasn't expecting that until after I returned to work. For once, things actually moved quickly.
Anyhow, I'd better wrap this up soon. I think Boo's going to wake up soon hungry. He's had a bit of a fussy day, but I don't blame him. It was a full weekend and a long day yesterday. He was over tired by the end of it all and so now, all is not quite right in his little world and he's not quite sure what to do about it. I'll live with fussy for a day or so. He was great through the entire weekend and we all had fun.
Peace to all and may your holiday have been filled with family and fun and may good days lay ahead.
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