Ok. No photos uploaded yet, but I'll take care of that ASAP. Gak was supposed to post this the other night, but logged out of my system before he remembered.
Seamus Richard Brady came into the world screaming at 10:38am on Sunday June 1st. He weighed in at an even 8 lb and 20.5 inches long.
Everyone is doing quite well. Momma's a little sleep deprived this afternoon because last night the little man decided to feed about 5 minutes at a shot every hour or so, until about 6am, and then it was shift change and starting the process of getting released. I'll give more details in my next post along with the pictures.
Life is good.
I'm going to wrap this up and grab something to eat before Boo wakes up and wants his lunch too.
Peace to all and may the joys in your life be big.
I got a sneak peek of the little man, and I gotta say WHAT A CUTIE!
I wish you both the best. I should be in touch with you mom soon to see when I can crash in order to meet the kiddo in person.
Congrats you guys...
Thanks all. Flickr has been updated, look for a more detailed post tomorrow.
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