Well, I finally got the pictures of Boo's room last night and got them uploaded this morning. Yes, I know, I'm being very productive and it's not even 7:00 yet. Don't worry, I'll crash at about 8:30 and drag my butt through the rest of the day.
This picture of the dragon with his teddy bear is mostly the inspiration for the room. Gak and I picked it up at Faire a couple of years ago now. We just thought it was really cute and very "us". Especially since at times our lives seem to be run by our teddy bears... yes Scout, that's you. The "torches" are from Ikea. They have two settings, on and flicker. This picture doesn't do them justice. The "flames" are actually a reddish-orange color and are too cool for words.

This is where the glider will eventually go. I'm still not 100% confident about the order we placed on Sunday, but we'll see. Just to the left in this picture is the door into the living room. This bedroom has two doors, very convenient access, but horrible for furniture layout. As you can see, the chair will be right under the dragon and the torches. This will be a great little nook to nurse and rock Boo back to sleep at night, with just enough light for Momma or Poppa. This also shows the wardrobe Michelle helped put together. (Actually, in all fairness, I barely helped with that one...) No, there is no magical forest hiding in this one, at least not for boring "grownups" who are more worried about storing the baby's clothes at the moment...

This is the view from said door into the living room. The finicky mobile is there leaning against the radiator. There is a cover for it, but it's currently being painted at my landlady's house. The hanging dragon with pockets is another Ikea find. I've got a few toys stashed in there at the moment, and will probably put a blanket or other odds and ends I want handy at the crib in there. Mostly I thought it was cool and I'll never turn down extra storage space. The baby vibro-chair is there in the corner as well. It won't stay there. It'll be wherever we need it, but it was a convenient place to set it for now. Yes, that's the blanket I made back in January on the crib. The bumper is this really cool "mesh" that's actually fairly padded, but breathable. If Boo is anything like me, once he's squirming around in bed, he'll find the most inconvenient corner to wedge himself in. I don't need arms or legs getting tangled in the slats.

This is the view from the door between the bedrooms. The color is the most off in this one. I just couldn't get a good picture with or without the flash. As you can see, we've got this wonderful built in wall cabinet. It provides tons of storage, but again makes furniture layout a pain. You can also see the blue dragon rug from Ikea. It's really soft on the toes. Yes, the wall unit still looks like a bit of a mess, but it's an almost organized mess. Onsies and sleepers are in the cabinet to the left, some of my stuffed animals I still have are in the cabinet to the right. I guess they're Boo's now. (Well, he can't "have" Snowball, that was my last birthday present from Josi, my closest friend before moving from Kansas.)

I'll close with this picture. This rocking horse is one of the things we picked up from Mom's customer. I still have my rocking horse from when Jon was born. It needs a front leg repair and a new dowel, but is still in very good condition. (Amazing when you think about how much I loved to ride the thing...) Scout has decided that she loves this little horse. Trying to get her off it some evenings is tough. I'm sure Boo won't mind sharing on occasion, but it is his horse. At least until he gets big enough to ride mine.
Well, I hope you enjoyed the little tour of Boo's room. It took long enough to get everything together. I think it looks pretty good, even with the apparent chaos that is the cabinets. (I'm just glad it's deep enough for the changing pad. That was very convenient!)
Peace to all and may your projects come together and you have a nice place to call home.
OMG I LOVE it!!!!! The wall sconces are really cool and I totally get the dragon theme.
You guys are so cool. If I had kids, I would totally have you dec-out my kids room.
I'm glad you like the room. I think it's great. It's the most "put together" room I've had since.... oh... ever?
If I could just get myself to totally clean out the rest of the house and be able to afford to "do" the other rooms, that would be great. I know it wouldn't stay that way for long though....
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