Well, I got a very pleasant surprise this afternoon after getting back from taking the customers out to lunch. The service department threw me a little shower.
I'm very touched. I have always liked my coworkers. It's nice to know they like me too. They got us the swing I'd had on the registry, a handful of baby bath things and a gift card to WalMart. I really do work with good people. I'm glad they're friends.
Tonight I'm supposed to go out with a couple of the customers. It should be fun, I hope. Bill will be joining us. I'm tired, but it should be an interesting time. They're good people and it is a good "feel good" kind of thing. It is nice to see them in a non-stress kind of situation. Apparently the training is going very well. One of them actually called the sales guy to tell him how good it has been yesterday. That makes me feel good. I'm glad they like what we've been able to give them.
The doctor's appointment went well this morning. I've got another appointment for next Thursday. According to my doctor everything seems typical for a first pregnancy. Things are beginning to "soften" a bit. What this means in the long run, nobody knows. It just means that things are changing. How fast things will continue to change, only Boo knows (maybe) and he's not telling. He seems quite happy where he is. He'll be born in due time. The doctor isn't worried and neither am I.
I know Ron here at work is wanting Boo to wait an extra week. That's because he's going to be doing training for the first time the first week of June. He just wants to know I'll be in the office to call if he needs help with anything. I keep telling him he'll be fine.
Well, I'd best get back to my people. It's almost my turn again, I think. Yesterday I had several people all asking if they could have a bit of time with them, and it has been a juggling act.
Peace to all and may your friends pleasantly surprise you.
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