Yesterday was a good day, with an interesting end.
Mom came up yesterday, getting here around 11:30 or so. We were going to go to the Allentown Art Museum in the "tradition" that has developed for her birthday. (It started several years ago now when a neat exhibit at the little gallery at my college was going on over her birthday. We've seen several interesting exhibits this way.) Well, we fiddled around the house for a bit. I showed her how to get her pictures off her camera (hopefully). She volunteered to take the mystery project home to finish the last seam for me today. We did a few other odds and ends and then got going. We stopped for lunch before going to the museum and it took a bit longer than we expected.
We never did make it to the museum. Between Allentown roads, Google Maps directions not being quite right and mom's sense of direction (or lack there of...) we drove around in circles for a few and decided to call it quits. I was fine with this. As much as I would have enjoyed the museum, I'm not sure either one of us were totally into it yesterday.
Instead we went shopping.
There's a neat little outdoor shopping area (where the new movie theater is) that's got some interesting higher end shops and stuff. We went to L.L. Bean. We wandered around a few other stores. We went into one baby store and had to try very hard not to faint looking at the prices. We went next door to that store to A Child's Place. They had lots and lots of cute things. Of course, there are many, many more cute things for girls than boys, but that's OK. We did find two adorable little sun hats that we just had to buy. (They were less than $5 each...) I figure this would be a good thing to pick up since it will be summer when he's born and if his skin is anything like his Poppa's.... I don't need a sunburned baby.
The interesting part was after dinner. Actually, it was almost bed time.
I told you that our upstairs neighbors were moving out. Well, they're gone and our landlady has rented the place to a 20-year-old and her 3-week-old baby. (I haven't met them, but Gak has run into them...)
I ended up having to do laundry last night since I couldn't do it Saturday and Gak couldn't on Friday because he got called into work. I went after dinner and then after the laundry was done, stopped by the grocery store to pick up milk (again) and a few odds and ends to get us through the next few days.
If you haven't been to our place, you don't realize how the building is set up. The building is on a center island where Broad Street goes past it in one way on each side. Well, in order to park next to the "front" door, I have to go up the block, go through the turnaround and back down half the block. Well, on my way up the block, I pass a cop car with his headlights on, but no cop inside. Whatever. It's not all that uncommon to see cops on this block, especially as we're right across the street from the burrough hall and police station. Well, I round the block and there's another cop getting into a car and pulling away. They were right in front of my house! I ended up parking a few spots further down than usual. There happened to be a cop standing there when I got out of the car.
I said "good evening" and start towards my door. He asks If I live there. "Yes."
"Does anyone else live there?"
"My husband and I live on the 2nd floor and there are some new tenants on the 3rd floor." I explain that I haven't met them yet because I'd been out of town. And that no, the doorbells don't always work.
He asks if he can come up, and I gladly say "sure!". (Why would I stop a cop from coming into the building? I knew he wasn't there for Gak or me, and I really don't need to get in the way...)
Well, Gak overhears a little bit of conversation when he goes down to get the laundry out of the truck. They were looking for someone and she said that he'd gone out jogging. (At 9:30pm?)
Anyhow, we end up getting stopped by our landlady on our way out the door this morning. She was asking us to keep an eye out for our new neighbor. She'd warned the tenant about she'll evict her with no compunctions, even with a new baby, for a single rules infraction. Our landlady will gladly give you a chance to get on your feet, but not at the expense of her building or laws being broken. (I agree... I'll help you out, but not if you're going to get me into big trouble.) She was interested to hear about the cop showing up. I didn't even think to call her last night, even though I probably should have. She told us to let her know if anything like this happens again. And I will.
So, there was an interesting twist to the end of yesterday.
I also got to talk to my brother for a bit over the X-box. That was kind of odd. Really cool, but odd. He seems to be doing well, but getting sick of interviewing. He hopes to have a couple of offers by the end of the week. I wish him well.
Well, I've really got to get back to work now, but wanted to share the oddness that was last night.
Peace to all and may your mysteries be solved.
1 comment:
Hi Addey:
I am in charge of marketing for the Allentown Art Museum. I'm sorry that your Google maps directions didn't get you to the Museum! It's frustrating...sometimes they're spot on, and sometimes they're just not quite right. If you and your mom would like to come on another day, please give me a call at the Museum and I'll be happy to give you a couple of guest passes to see the current exhibitions on us, AND I'll give you directions!
Shana Herb Johannessen
Allentown Art Museum
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