Saturday, February 02, 2008

Groundhogs and Grandmothers

I know, I know, it's an odd title.
Not if you knew my Gram.
Today would have been her 85th birthday. My Gram, the groundhog. She always claimed to be born in a raging snowstorm, and she's probably right. It was a good snowstorm we had the day of her memorial.
This time 6 or 8 months ago, Mom and I were trying to figure out what we should do for Gram's 85th. We had a small suspicion that she wouldn't be doing well, but it wasn't until a few months later that we were pretty sure she wouldn't see this day. I wish she had, in some ways. It would have been nice to throw her one last party. She really was a very social and sociable person. She was always the center of everything, and it was fun to watch her.
I meant to call my Mom today, but I didn't. I feel pretty bad about that. I'm sure today was a bit more wierd for her than for me and my brother. Both of us would have called her, of course, but well... Gram was Mom's mom... a different story all together. Hopefully the shop was full of lots and lots of people.

The groundhog, who happens to live a couple of hours west of here, says 6 more weeks of winter. I'd like to know when we've had winter start? I mean, sure, we've had a few bitterly cold weeks, and a bit of snow early on. Back in December it looked like this was going to be a bad winter. I'm still waiting for something other than sleet and rain. Mind you, rain is much easier to drive in, but not as pretty and in some ways even more miserable.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll have some pictures for you. I finished up Boo's blanket and sent it through the wash this morning. I guess I should say the first blanket I'm making. Knowing me, I'll probalby make at least one or two more. Gak gave me a bunch of pattern books for Christmas. I told him to pick one out. He hasn't yet. Maybe he will, maybe he won't. We'll see.

Anyhow, just wanted to make a quick post and wish my Gram a happy 85th, even though she isn't here with us any more.
Peace to all and may your lives be full of wonderful people.

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