Well, Like I said yesterday, I finished up Boo's blankie. Last night and this morning, in a vain attempt to use up the rest of the leftover yarn, I created a vest and diaper cover. I still have an almost full skein of yellow and about a half skein of green! I'm sure some project will use them up... I hope....
I acutaly spent from about 8am until almost noon working on finishing up the last little bit of the vest (edging... yet again...) and creating the diaper cover. I found both patterns for free online. I'm not as happy with the vest. It's pretty cute and all, but it's just not my favorite. The pattern wasn't very clear in a few places, luckilly I know what a vest should look like and how to count. The one really nice thing about it is that you only had to stitch the shoulder seams, no side seams to try and line up. But let me tell you, changing colors every two rows stinks when you have to weave in ends. Normally I just work over them, but the open-ness of this pattern didn't make that look so hot. Oh well. I'm just hoping the crotch part of the diaper cover is long enough. We'll find out in a handfull of months now, won't we? I'm also thinking it may be a little wide, but that's easy to fix with a small piece of elastic threaded thorugh the waist. Now I really can't wait for Boo to get here, I need to see if what I made fits him!
Ok, enough crafty baby-ness for one post. I swear, I really do have thoughts other than about yarn and Boo... or Boo and yarn... or just Boo... or just yarn...
For example, Gak and I had a great time running through a pretty cool dungeon in EQII yesterday morning. We went with a handful of guildies. (Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you, I pulled Addey from Wings of Fate and joined up with Despair... great group!) We also had a necro from another guild who was pathetic. And they accidentally bid on, and won, a no-trade item that Gak really, really, really could have used. Oh well. They appologized at any rate. Still a bit cranky about it, but that just means we don't need to group with them again. Anyhow, it was very nice to just be able to go out and have an adventure with a group for a bit.
Well, I've got to go start supper. Gak should be home from work in a bit. Peace to all, and may you have fun adventures and things that make you smile.
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