Here is a picture of Mexico City taken from my hotel room. In the evening the clouds rolled out enough that you could see the surrounding mountains. Mexico City is a lot less smoggy than it used to be. I've seen pictures from friends where the sky was just about yellow!
The trip back from Mexico was long, but uneventful. I'm so glad that I only had carry on luggage. I had plenty of time to make my connection. As always though, I chose the shortest customs line that also moves the slowest. Oh well. Life happens.
This weekend is going to be a good one. Today after Gak gets off work we're heading down to our friend Michelle's in Maryland. Tomorrow we're going to the MD Renn Faire. It should be much fun. (Yes, I will take the camera and hopefully actually get pictures this time....) Then Sunday we're heading down closer to D.C. to a family gathering.
Well... they're almost family.
Linda and Frank are coming up from Tennessee for a Navy Football game tomorrow. Frank graduated from Annapolis, but never went to a Navy game. So, tomorrow they're fixing that. Mind you, Linda is my mom's "younger sister" of sorts. Kind of like me and my sister, but different. Then Sunday Linda's brother Dave is going to have a gathering at his place since it is rare for all of them to be in one place at any time. My mom and Gram will be there too. It will be fun. I haven't seen most of these people in two or more years. I'm looking forward to it. Gak is too actually. I gave him the option of not going, but he said he wanted to.
Next week will be oh-so-fun.
Here's the schedule:
Monday, fly to Detroit to drive to Canada.
Tuseday, teach and fly home.
Wednesday afternoon, drive up to New York.
Thursday and Friday teach, drive home Friday evening.
Glack! Talk about a full schedule!
I'll let you know how it goes. I know Gak's not looking forward to it, and neither am I really. Oh well. It'll be an adventure.
Oh, gaming side news. My good friend Synseer and I both dinged 70 today, one mob apart. Gak helped us get out last 10% this morning. It was a lot of fun. Now I guess I get to spend more time with Meera my 26 Ranger Kitty.
Well, I'm off to an eye doctor's appointment. Peace to all and have a great weekend!
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