Ok. So it doesn't' really feel like a 'finally' Friday. I'm not sure what day of the week it is. This has been a messed up week, time wise. Monday and Tuesday was my whirlwind trip to Canada, eh? Then Wednesday was an almost work day that turned into a non-travel day. Yesterday was spend putting out lots of little fires and today, well... today has been an almost boring Friday. (The opposite of this photo-shopped picture of some flowers I did a few years back...)
We had a department meeting this morning. To confirm that yes, one of the manager types (not my old boss) had left. That's about all we got out of that one. I've been away so long and so often I hadn't really noticed! He will be sorely missed though. He has, probably, over 20 years of knowledge in this field.
Other than that, I only had one real task today and that was to get a quote out to a customer. That took about all of 10 minutes since it wasn't anything weird this time.
I'd post some pics from the MD Faire on Saturday, but I had my film camera with me and haven't gotten the film developed. (I'm hoping someone(s) will be nice and give me BestBuy gift certificates for my B-day and/or Christmas this year...)
This weekend should be an almost quiet one. Tomorrow will be my normal Saturday. Well, maybe... I'm thinking of trying to find a yarn store I found on the web that's near here. Michael's and JoAnn's both have a decent selection, but it's all pretty well... ordinary... boring almost. I don't know why, but I've been yarn crazy these last few months. Oh well, it keeps me out of trouble on long flights. I need to find some other things to sew. I love my new machine, but don't have much to use it for at the moment. Maybe I'll find me a neat shirt pattern and some fun fabric. Who knows.
Sunday the guys are coming over again to continue our Werewolf game (I wish Michael and Chelsea in MO could make it... they're fun to have in game). What's funny is the fact that in the game we're in rural Alabama, near Mobile and next week I'll be outside of Birmingham, AL.
On a different game note, I brought out my 20-is Ranger Kitty last night on EQII. Two of my friends have level 30-ish characters and we got together with Gak mentoring down. Well, I didn't get much XP at first because we had a 36 in the group to help one friend (Charitee's alt) finish up a quest. He then left when that was done.
We all headed over to Nek and promptly kicked butt and took names. I ended up going from 25 to partway through 27. It was very nice to change characters, although I kept trying to be my healer self and kept looking for my heals etc. Oh well, I'll learn. Or maybe it's re-learn since this was my primary before I found Addey.
Well, enough rambling by me... I'm off to find something a little productive to keep me occupied.
Peace to all and have a good (and hopefully sunny) weekend!
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