Wednesday, May 10, 2006

What next?

I haven't posted anything since Monday because I've been trying to figure out 'what's next?'. I still don't have a clue. Maybe I'll get a clue when I log back into the game next (hopefully for a bit on Saturday). Maybe it will all become crystal clear while driving the four hours or so Monday on my way to Pittsburgh. I just don't know right now.
I guess the big question boils down to 'do I want to join another guild?'. The immediate answer is NO! I've joined guilds and clans on many of the online games I've played. It all seems to end the same. Everything goes along fine and then someone says or does something that pisses everyone else off and it's hurt feelings all around and a disbanded group. But.... I really did enjoy this group. There are lots of great people out there in EQII. I've grouped with many, and not all were from my former (that still hurts to type) guild. Then there's always the thought of my husband and I finding another couple of people and starting our own guild. Could we do better as guild leaders? Maybe, maybe not. Would we want to? Maybe, maybe not. How would we run it or recruit? Would we recruit or just (maybe) pick up a few people as time goes by? What right would I have calling myself a leader when I'm gone over half the time? I mean, that is one of the questions I asked my former leader.
I think the best answer for now is... Wait and see. By Memorial Day I'll hopefully have a week at home to get back into the game and see what fits or not.
sorry about rambling on, but I really needed to get these thoughts out and I don't have guild message boards to bounce thoughts off any more.
Peace to my friends in Norrath and elsewhere.


Anonymous said...

Have fun in Pittsburgh! (you aren't a Steelers fan are you?)Also are you from the Lehigh Valley?

Addey said...

Indeed I am from the Lehigh Valley... well, the south end really. So that would make me an Eagles fan, if I was rooting for a home team. I usually (hoplessly) cheer for the Chiefs or Redskins (family tradition there...)

Anonymous said...

I hate the Redskins....I am a Dolphins fan ( by birth)...Eagles fan too though. Reason that I asked is that my wife is from Bethlehem LOL

Addey said...

LOL I drive through the remains of Beth Steel every time I go to the airport. Sad sight that is, especially at night. Looks like it would make a great 'Ruins of...' Zone though... or found in Zek...