I didn't get out for a walk or anything to try and find anything "wild" and interesting.
There were no insects in the office, which is usually considered a good thing.
After work, I took the truck back to the garage so they could finally do the official emissions testing (passed with flying colors). There were a few people walking their dogs, but nothing exciting or picture-worthy or inspiring. I did snap a pick of a little dog on the roof of the garage. No, this isn't as strange as it sounds. There's an apartment up there on the one side and the windows open out to the roof. The little dog looked like it knew exactly where it was and what it was doing. It didn't turn out very well. Again, I wasn't very inspired and I really wasn't wanting yet another "snapshot".
So, by the time we got home, I realized I really didn't have anything (although I did get a few neat pictures while I was waiting for the truck... I'll post them at the end...). I really didn't have time to go track something down. The bunnies we've been seeing frequently around the front of the building weren't to be seen.
So, I decided I didn't need "real", "living" animals. I got a pretty good shot of Trey, just hanging out on the tricycle:
But, As you can see from the top, I decided that wasn't "the one" for today. So, while Boo was taking his bath, I had a little fun with Angel. She's the bear that came to live with us the day Gram passed. She's such a sweetie. It's been a while since I've done any photo shoots with any of the bears. I miss it. They're fun to pose and shoot. Before I had Boo, I used to do it all the time. I love the one of AT I took while we were having lunch in Detroit on our first layover on our way to China. I've got some great ones of Scout at the playground, and a few cute ones of Sally too. There are some nice ones of Sam at the beach, beach-bum that he is. The best part about photo shoots with the bears, they don't talk back and listen very well. (Listening has been a hard thing for Boo the last few days...)
Anyhow, that's Angel, curled up with my Nook and an abandoned sock I was working on. The lighting isn't great, but it'll do. I think I'm going to use this as my profile picture for a while. I have one from another layover in Detroit of her with my phone and a chai tea that I used for a while. That was taken on my last flight before Boo was born. Actually, the last flight I've been on in the last 4.5 years. (I didn't realize it would be so long before I'd fly anywhere again... I thought for sure we'd have managed to make it to Oklahoma by now!) Angle really is a sweetheart and I love my bears.
Anyhow, here are the two good pictures I took when I was waiting for the emissions testing on the truck:
A garage at the neighboring property. I love their yard. Very "old English cottage".
A baby pine cone I couldn't resist shooting. I love the macro on my little Cannon.
Peace to all and may you have "animals" in your life that make you happy.
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