Today was a rainy and gray day, but Boo was awake and bouncing off the walls. So, I finally got around to taking him up to Easton to go to the Crayola Factory. I'm kinda glad it took us until recently to get up there. Boo really wouldn't have enjoyed it even 3 or 4 months ago. Sure, he loves to color, for about 5 minutes and only when he wants to. He does not like anything squishy or icky or to get his fingers dirty. That eliminates clay, painting and a whole bunch of other fun things.
We did have a lot of fun. We got to color with both crayons and markers. We got to cut with scissors and glue things and did I mention color? We also got to watch a little demo on how they make both markers and crayons and Boo got a freshly made crayon and marker from that. (As well as two samples of Model Magic, which will be mine.) We also got tokens to put in machines to get crayons, markers or Model Magic. Yep, they even give the tokens to parents.
I think we played for about 2 hours there. We also got to visit the canal museum and see a little thing on trains as well. It was well worth going. I think Boo's favorite part was either using scissors or playing in the little play area. I just loved being able to spend a couple of hours playing and exploring with my boy-o. (Gak didn't go with us, he was really wanting a little down time, and I don't blame him with how busy we've been all weekend.)
On another, related, note Amma gave Boo her old camera on Saturday. I've posted a bunch of the pictures that Boo took on Saturday. Yes, two posts in two days AND I've posted pictures within 24-36 hours. No, don't expect this to become a regular feature, but I'm going to try and post more, and more quickly.
I'm going to wrap this up here since it is October, and anyone who's been reading this for any period of time knows that October is one of the busy months at work. It's not being helped by a regulation change that took affect last Monday, so yeah, I probably won't be posting every day in October.
Peace to all and may your adventures be many and fun.
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