Well, summer is winding down. The days are getting noticeably shorter. The weather is actually cooling off a bit. Kids are either already back to school, or like most of my nieces and nephews heading back on Monday. The air has actually been a bit chilly in the mornings and I've enjoyed it.
But, I'm filled with a bit of blah. I have yet to edit the handful of pictures from the camping trip the weekend before last. I have a lot of little chores around the house that need doing and several projects at home that have deadlines that are fast approaching. I've also got several deadlines fast approaching at work that I'm not sure I'll make. They're several projects that were listed as goals for me this year that I have until the end of the year to complete, but I'm not sure when or how I'll get there with trying to keep up and keep focused on the rest of my job. Yes, these goals were above and beyond my "normal" duties of keeping up with the calls that come in and routine stuff. I love working for corporate America *sarcasm*.
Anyhow, my drive to do anything has been a bit off the last week or two. Part of it has been trying to shift gears back from vacation mode. I spent a good bit of time off in August and I enjoyed all of it, even the rain while camping. Part of it is the change of seasons. Spring and fall are hard for me. They're transitional seasons and unsettled and I can't help but feel that way too.
The death of Joan's mom last week and the (thankfully and surprisingly drama free) funeral on Sunday was difficult. Not that I have or had any fond feelings for her mom, quite the opposite really, but for all the potential drama. (I haven't bloged about a lot of what's going on there, but... life is always full of drama with Joan and her sisters... and much more so recently.... let's just leave it at that and move on, shall we?)
On the good side of things, I have been swimming or biking just about every day for the past week or two. I can tell I'm getting stronger and more fit as time goes on. I like the feeling of all the energy I have these days. I had a doctor's appointment for an asthma/allergy checkup on Monday and Dr. F. said that I'm in very good health over all. (And yet I still carry that damn "obese" tag... yes, I know it can spell trouble down the road, but with all the tests that have been done on me over the last few years, I find it hard to believe...) My clothes are fitting very nicely (actually, I think I need a few new pair of pants, or at least new navy colored ones...). I'll need new sweaters for this winter, but I'm actually looking forward to clothes shopping.
There are good things coming up as well. In 5.5 weeks my brother and Becca will be out here on the east coast again and we will be celebrating their wedding. I'm so happy that they're finally getting married. It will be great to "officially" have Becca as a sister.
Boo, Gak and I are planning on heading to the PA Renaissance Faire at some point, probably Gak's birthday weekend. We were going to go to Maryland, but we can get some 2-for-1 tickets to PA and that's an easy day trip as opposed to an entire weekend trip, so both cheaper and easier.
That's about where things stand in my little world. I'm feeling a bit blah around the edges and lack motivation in general to get things (both at home and at work) done. But, overall, life is good.
I should try and get something useful done at work in the last few minutes, so I bid you peace and enjoyment of the season.
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