Monday, March 14, 2011


Ok, I'm skipping the next two picture requests on the list, but I promise to come back to them.  Instead, I'll skip ahead (er, behind) to numbers 11 and 12.
I'll put them here and give you a chance to guess what they're supposed to be:

Number 11

Number 12

Ok, do you have any ideas?
They go together, and not just because they're both food.
Actually, I made them go together because they are food.
You see, number 11 is supposed to be something I hate, while number 12 is supposed to be something I love.  There are so very many things in this world that I love.  I love my wonderful husband and our son and all my friends and family.  I love hiking and camping and being out of doors.
But, there are very few things in this world that I hate.  Unfortunately, vegetables are right at the top of my list.  You see, to me, many of them taste like dirt.  Yep, dirt.  Or they stink to high heaven or are both mushy and crunchy in a weird way at the same time.  Don't get me wrong, most vegetables are beautiful.  A saute of green and yellow summer squash is beautiful, but I just can't seem to enjoy eating it.  And those ripe, red tomatoes, it can't get much more summery and beautiful than that.  (And yes, technically tomatoes are fruit, but still... they fall into the veggie category for me.)

So, since I chose vegetables as one of the very few things that I can actually say that I hate on this planet, I chose one of my most favorite foods as my love for this little exercise.  Yes, that's a very yummy Grotto's Pizza.  I'm a sucker for pizza.  And I love Grotto's.  Although, I will admit, there are days when the memory of Grotto's Pizza is what I love.  You see, there is really only one place that they exist, and that's in Delaware. Yes, there's one up in the Scranton area, which is original, but it's not the same.  Even the one in Wilmington isn't as good as the ones in Rehoboth.  There are so many memories of Grotto's Pizza.

Fortunately for me, I do eat more of the vegetables' cousins, fruits and even manage to get in some green matter as well than pizza these days.  But, it's really all about balance.  I also couldn't live off pizza alone any more.  I'm glad for that.

So, I'll wrap this up with wishes for taste buds and a mentality that enjoys, or at least tolerates, veggies and the option of enjoying the extra yummy, but not so healthy options as well.

Peace to you all and may you have some good food along the way.

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