Saturday, October 17, 2009

Busy Weekend Ahead!

Well, as much as I'd rather be curled up asleep right now, we've got a busy weekend ahead of us.
You see, today is "Philly Cares" and while I neither work nor live in Philly, I am near Philly. (And don't remind me about the 8th inning loss yesterday....) My company, along with many, many others in the area hold this event every year where volunteers go and paint/improve Philly area schools. You may be saying "why can't they do it?", "why should community members and members outside of Philly be doing this?", "why are you spending a Saturday doing this?". Well, the answer is never simple. Would you rather the city spend more money on educational tools and teacher salaries or painting and "extras"? Why can't people in the communities in and surrounding Philly do something nice for the schools to show the kids and faculty that we care and think they're important? Why wouldn't I give my time?
So, in about 20 minutes I've got to get a boy up and dressed, a husband up and dressed (he's going to work, but it's icky out so I'm dropping him off) and me dressed and out the door. I'm meeting up with some people at work and depending on who actually shows up I'll either be moving Boo's car seat into the company van, or putting people into the Durango. We've got to be at the school by 8:30 and we're supposed to be meeting at work between 7:30 and 7:45.
I've done this two other years and had a blast both times. Of course, the last time I went was 2004. Then I was always traveling, and with Gak's Saturday work schedule I just didn't feel right taking the time and making him walk. Then we had Boo. But, they offer day care for the little kids, and older kids are welcome to help (as are friends and family). Gak said he didn't mind and that I should go if I wanted to, so we are. I may have some pictures to post, or I may not.
As if that wasn't enough fun for one weekend, tomorrow morning I've got to get up and do the laundry (or do it tonight after dinner and let Poppa get some boy time?) because Boo and I are going down for a play date with PopPop. We're supposed to be there about lunch time, and we'll stay until a little before dinner. (Unless Am-ma is making something good for dinner and we just might mooch off that *grin*, but then I'd feel guilty for leaving Gak home, even though that's what he wants...)

Anyhow, time's a waisting and I'd better get my self together and out the door! (I'm not waking Boo until the last moment and shoving him into clothes... he'll get breakfast later...)

Peace to all and may your lives be full of adventures of the best kind.

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