Saturday started out like normal... laundry, home for a nap and lunch. Then after picking Poppa up from work, we headed up to BJ's. We first had an early dinner at Red Robbin because it's right next door. Or I should say, Gak and I had dinner, Boo had a couple of french fries and some apple bits. As usual, I was unable to escape BJ's for less than $200. But at least this time $50 was covered by the rebate card from my phone. And we needed a few "staples" that we won't have to buy for another several months. (Actually, when you figure it out since we only go once a month, it's about $50 a week in groceries and cleaning supplies and the like and most weeks I spend another 50-60 at most at the store, so our grocery bill still isn't too bad for a family of 3.)
Sunday was a play date with PopPop and Am-ma. Just Boo and I went down, because Gak didn't want to overshadow PopPop by being there and also wanted to attempt to get some cleaning done from the plumbing and ceiling fiasco. (I'm still not happy with the ceiling and don't think it's paint ready... but....)
We had a very good time. Boo wanted nothing to do with turkey for lunch. He did let Am-ma feed him some apple sauce. So, we let him on the floor to play while we ate our corned beef sandwiches. (My usual favorite.) As usual, he ignored the toys I brought and went straight for the cabinets. Which is fine because there isn't much damage he can do with what's in them. Well, he left it looking like a pots and pans war zone. Oh, and don't forget the Cheerios as well. He was just too much fun to watch. He did eat quite well though, several handfuls of the O's he spilled on the floor, an entire fruit and cereal bar and some more apple sauce. We went to the park for a little bit, but it was too hot to play much. So, instead we went to Rita's. Boo ate about a quarter to a half of his ice cream (he and PopPop shared) but became much more interested in my cherry ice. Oh well, it was cold and yummy. He promptly downed an entire cup of milk when we got back. Mom and I snuck upstairs to finish a shirt I'd started while he kept PopPop from watching the Sillies loose.
Then it was home again. Boo fell asleep by the time we got to the Turnpike and probably would have stayed that way as long as I kept driving. Gak and I ended up having pizza because the pork chops I'd taken out of the freezer were still a bit frozen and this way I can marinate them today and grill them off tonight.
I also got a bit of fun time in Norrath this weekend. I got to take both Whispe and Addey out for a spin. It was nice. Now, if only I could get around to fixing that fourth sleeve on the sweater I've been playing with for 2 years now. (Actually, the sweater only has 2 sleeves, but this is my 4th attempt at a sleeve, I've already got one finished, but messed this one up and will have to rip some out again...)
Well, I'd better get my butt in gear. GrammaSue wanted a day off today and so I'm taking Boo into day care when I leave for work. It was only $10 more to take him in for five full days than 4 full days. He's going full days this week because Gak is working full days.
Anyhow, peace to all and may your weekends be full of fun.
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