Friday was a fun day spent with GrammaSue and PopPop. After dropping off Gak at work, Boo and I went and did laundry. Right on schedule my little boy decided it was nap time. The laundry was piled into the back of the car and we took off for GrammaSue's.
We hung out there for a little while and then went over to the Nature Center. The staff were off for the day as well. Unfortunately, this meant I didn't get to say hi to anyone, but it did mean we weren't tripping over 100 or so campers. We took an enjoyable walk around the pond instead. We didn't get to see any frogs, but we heard a couple and saw a handful of turtles. And lots and lots of lilies and duck weed. By then we were all hungry and Boo was tired again. So, we head off to get something to eat. Of course, my son falls asleep on the way over. We waited for about 10-15 minutes in the car while he took a little snooze. It was probably a good thing. He was much happier for it. He must have really played hard in the morning because he ate about 3/4 of a grilled cheese sandwich, a couple of french fries and about 1/3 of his apple juice! That's almost as much as I eat for lunch.
After lunch we went over to GrammaSue and PopPop's shop since we were almost right next door. It was very good timing again. PopPop had been arguing with his accounting software and was beyond ready to take a break. Therefore, we all piled into out cars and headed to the park near their house. PopPop finally got to push his boy on the swings. There is also a very nice play area for little kids that has this neat rubber flooring. We played hard for about half an hour or so before heading back to their house. We hung out at the house for a bit with my son entertaining everyone with his silly antics. Of course, this did involve him rasperrying while drinking out of his sippy cup... much to my dismay but my mother's glee. (Of course, she was the one wearing the apple juice by the end of it all...) We ended up calling it a day and going and picking up Gak at work.
Saturday was a very laid back day for us. We fiddled around in the morning. Then, after Boo took his first nap, we went out and did the most American thing there is... we were Consumers! Gak was looking for a case for his new iPhone. He's not 100% happy with the one he's got, but it was the best of the ones he could find.
When we got back, we were in for a bit of a surprise. The ceiling in the bathroom was dripping, like a waterfall almost. I'd seen some water on the floor previously, but I didn't think much of it. Well, this time it was raining in our apartment. From all appearances, it looks like a drain pipe upstairs is blocked/leaking and causing issues. At least I don't think it's a supply line because it's not happening all the time. I really feel for my landlady... this is the second plumbing problem in a month. But... that's the cost of owning an older building.... just like owning an older car, or an older anything really, including body.
We ended up not doing much of anything that evening. The most exciting thing we did was walk down the street to Rita's. On our way back we walked through the park and bumped into a guy Gak used to work with and chatted for a bit. It was a beautiful evening. If Boo was older, I think I would have suggested staying in the park to watch the fireworks. (It turns out it was a good thing we didn't... the display was cut short when one of the young guys working for the company got severely injured, and later died, shortly into the program.... so sad.) Boo was home and asleep a bit before 8 because he hadn't napped much and was tired. (I don't blame him, I was tired too... and crashed early.)
Yesterday was quite a fun day. Very long, but very relaxing as well. Andy and Zoe had already gone up to Knoebles on Saturday (or Friday?) night. Everyone else was heading up yesterday (by noon!). Well, since we weren't camping and noon is a horrible time to try and travel with Boo, we told them we were heading up in the morning when he was ready for his nap. This means we left the house shortly after 9. I decided to take the Turnpike up instead of up 78/61/54.... It takes about the same amount of time but it feels faster because you're not stuck in lights and stuff. We got up there about 11:30 or so. (Yes, I took a wrong turn that cost us about 7 or 8 miles... oops.) It was another beautiful day. The park really wasn't that crowded at all. It was much more so the last time we went. It was very nice. We got some lunch and went on a few rides with the boy. I went down the big slide with him (there's one very embarrassing photo on Flickr.....) and we took him on one of the the merry-go-rounds. I don't think he was thrilled with either and he was more than ready for the merry-go-round ride to end by the time it was over. We also went on one of the trains. About 1/3 of the way through that he was more than done and was very unhappy about being held hostage on my lap.
About then we got a message that everyone else was about a half hour out and what camp site they were going to be at. The three of us got some ice cream, picked up some stuff from the car and headed over to the campground. Boo was supposed to fall asleep in the process. He didn't. We got there right around the time that Kat, Joan and the kids got there. We had fun setting up the site. Boo got to explore his first tent. Can I tell you exactly how much I wanted to be staying there last night? It would have been a perfect night for it.... the weather was beautiful and the company would have been priceless. Andy's dad, step-mom and baby (ha... baby... she's 18 now!) sister also came out. Gak and I took the kids back down to the park for a bit while everyone else finished setting up camp and getting dinner together. Let me tell you, leaving after dinner was very tough. (I didn't even get a s'more! We weren't even to the marshmallows when I realized the time and how late it would be when we got back. *pout*)
Anyhow, I've got all kinds of great pictures over on the Flickr from the weekend. Take a look and enjoy.
On a side note.... I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before, but my left heel has been killing me for about a month or so. Well, it turns out that it's heel spurs. Nothing more, nothing less. My doctor said if the anti-inflamatories she gave me aren't working in a week or so to see a podiatrist. (I'll have to call and get a recommendation... I've never needed one before....)
Anyhow, my lunch break is over and I'd better get back to work.
Peace to all and may your weekends be long, the weather beautiful and fun and friends be plenty.
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