Boo and I had a couple of nice adventures on Friday. We started out mid-morning by going down to the "good" yarn store. We spent a good bit of time wandering around an oogling all of the different yarns that were there. I had absolutely no projects in mind when I went there. That may have been a good thing, because I wasn't shopping for something specific. I did bring home a skein of Noro sock yarn in some beautiful colors. Don't ask me what it will become, I haven't a clue.
After that little adventure we came back up home and stopped at Good Will. I managed to find 3 shirts for me, 2 shirts (one a Phillies shirt, brand new with the MLB tag still attached!), 2 pair of shorts and a pair of short-alls for Boo for just under $25! That was a nice find. I wish I'd been able to find a few more shirts for the boy, but everything was either way too small or way too big. Oh well.
Boo also surprised me Friday evening with a new trick he's learned. He was a bit fussy around 5:30 or so, and so I put him into his bed for a short nap while I got his dinner ready. Well, he never did quite fall asleep. About a half hour later, when I went to get him, there he was, sitting in his bed playing with Trey. Mind you, he's been sitting up on his own for ages, but Friday was the first time he managed to get there all on his own! He managed to do this several more times over the weekend. He even managed to then pull himself to standing once or twice as well. The big problem is that he hasn't quite figured out how to lay back down, so he gets fussy when he wants to go to sleep but can't figure out how to lie down. I'm waiting to find him asleep in his crib, sitting up with his head against the rails. That would be too cute.
We didn't actually do anything for Easter. I did laundry Saturday and we went to the Q-mart for entertainment. Of course, I didn't think about it being Easter and not being able to go grocery shopping yesterday. Oops. Oh well, we won't starve. I'll just stop on my way home this evening. GrammaSue is watching Boo all day today because Gak has to open and close. Then he's going to Warhammer tonight. Talk about a long day! Oh well, it doesn't happen often.
I'm still chugging away at work. It's not very fun and I'm frustrated as all anything by a few things and people. But, it's the middle of April, it should hopefully have a light at the end of the tunnel in just a few weeks. (Either that or it's a train... *shrug*)
Well, I'd better get back to my work. The picture at the top of this post is from yesterday. Boo's schedule was all out of whack because he woke up late, didn't nap in the morning and was just off in general. He was fighting his afternoon nap hard for about 2 hours. I finally put him on my bed so I could put some laundry away. He was quietly playing with Trey, so I left him there. About 5 minutes later there wasn't any noise coming from the room and sure enough, here he was, sound asleep. Cut, eh?
Peace to all and may your weekends be good.
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