I'm currently writing this as I wait for the first pitch of game 5 of the World Series. Hopefully, tomorrow I'll be writing a post saying that the Phils managed to pull it off and are the world champs. That would be so awesome!
Anyhow, back to the weekend. Mel's birthday was a lot of fun and quite chaotic as always. I have a love/hate relationship with these events. I love seeing the whole family, but it's always so loud and so much chaos. Oh well.
We were supposed to go on a hay ride, but we had to cancel it because of the rain. The same rain that delayed the Phils for almost 2 hours and made the game go until almost 2am, with a miracle win. I'll have more pics up as soon as I finish going through them.
Work is hell right now. There are three days left of the reporting month and I'm feeling every second weighing down on me. I'll just leave it at that.
Well, the game is about to start, so I'm off! I may post more about the weekend later, but I doubt it, it was pretty mellow overall.
Peace to all and may your team do well.*
*Unless they're the Rays......
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