"Look Momma! A ball!" This picture was from play time before going to his doctor's appointment. See, he woke up happy! (This, of course, makes Momma happy.)
Well, boo had his "3-month" checkup yesterday. I say it that way, because he's really 3.5 months, or 15 weeks for those still counting in weeks. )We ended up slipping off by about 2 weeks because of the HepB immunization.)We finally met the other doctor in the practice. He's been a pediatrician in the area for a very long time. (The other mother in the waiting room went to him as an infant herself!) He's going to be retiring in a few years, but we love the other doctor in the practice, so that's OK. He's really nice and was very thorough with Boo. His assessment, as is mine, is that Sunday was just a bad day and that maybe there was something different in my diet, but who knows. He doesn't have any teeth coming in that we can tell. No swollen bumps or hard spots on his gums. And trust me, I've felt all of his gums... a lot.....
We had taken his oball with us to the doctor's office. As always he quite enjoyed playing with it. Unfortunately, he wasn't too happy about giving it up to get undressed to get weighed and measured. I had to pry it out of his little hands. (He did get it back almost right away, but he didn't want it then...) He's up to 15 lb even (or that's our best guess as he was kicking hard and it was hard to get a good reading on the scale) and 24.5 inches. He's still in the 50-75% range and looking great!
The doctor's appointment went well and everyone is happy with how he looks and how he's growing. He did receive a shot (Polio) and an oral vaccine (can't remember off the top of my head...). He was a bit fussy, but no where near as bad as last time when he got 3 (!) shots.
He did very well for GrammaSue. He fought the nap monster long and valiantly in the morning, making me fear he was going to be cranky all day for GrammaSue. Nope, he was mostly happy baby. Boo did have some cranky times and two very, very short naps. I was just glad when I came home that he hadn't run GrammaSue ragged with fussing all day. He did eat a bit more than normal, so maybe he's heading into a growth spurt.
Last night when I picked Gak up at work, his former co-worker from GameStop gave us a big trash bag filled with baby clothes! (His son just turned one.) We got pants, and shirts and some cute things too. Some things he may never wear, as they're 9-12 month sized shorts. But most things are really pretty cute and he'll get good use out of. He now has another 2 or 3 pair of jeans and a couple of other pairs of pants. He got a lot more short-sleeved onsies and a couple of long sleeved. We may need to buy more shirts at some point, but I'm not buying anything else right now unless it's way too cute to pass up.
We also did our Dragon Draft in the Magic league. I ended up with the Two-headed dragon and the Dragon Whelp. Both are pretty playable and relatively easy to get out. I hate the fact that they're foil cards. (I really don't like foils... they're hard to see, hard to read and curl.) We'll see if I ever get them in my hand and ever manage to get them into play and if they help. I'm down about 10 or 12 cards from the start. Not too bad overall. I don't think I'm the loosing-est player in the league, but I'm no where near the winning-est either. Oh well. That's fine. So long as I have enough land in the right colors, I'm happy to play.
Well, it's just about time for me to wake up Boo so I can feed him and head to work.
Peace to all and may there be giggles in your life.
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