We've finally had some really nice weather. I think fall is finally approaching, if not here. I'm glad. Fall means weather that is still fairly warm, but not so humid and sticky. It does, however, mean more chances for rain, but that's OK too.
I finally finished a project I'd been working on for a while now. I needed to get pictures of it to post, but the lighting in the apartment just isn't that great really. Besides, it was too nice to stay inside.
Therefore, Scout and I packed up and headed to the park a few blocks from the apartment. It has this huge wooden multi-level playground that the community built. I was about to say built a few years ago, but I do believe it was the summer of 1992 or 1993 when it was built. I guess that qualifies as 'a while ago' now.
Scout ran around like a crazy woman on all the slides and stuff. A lot of the other kids giggled to see her. Most of the parents gave me some very odd looks.
What? Haven't they seen a bear-child who is glad to be out of the house? I don't know about some people...

The weather is so nice, that the slide is actually fun now. Metal slides are the pitts in the summer. Scout really doesn't like when they get hot enough to singe her fur. (You know it has to be hot if she gets burned
through her fur.)

She's just like me. When I was little we had a swing set in the back yard. Most of the time if you wanted to know where I was, I'd be on the swing. Happily swinging my heart out. Unless I was jumping out of the swing to see how far I could go. I never did go very far, I was usually too scared to jump out when the swing was very high. I did love the feeling of flying through the air though. I think she'd have stayed there all day if I'd let her.

She also loves hanging around on the monkey bars or the handle version. I remember vividly getting in trouble myself on the monkey bars. You see, I used to love hanging upside down on them. The only problem is, that I'd end up doing this on days when I had a Girl Scout meeting that evening so I was wearing my Brownie jumper without any tights or shorts underneath. The teachers didn't think this was very appropriate behaviour. Oh well. I didn't think about it, I was having fun. Luckily for her, Scout doesn't wear skirts. I'm sure I'd be able to convince her to at some point, but not any time soon.
Peace to all and may your weather be as nice and your weekend as fun as ours has been.
Did you make that blanket? It's lovely.
Yes, that is the project I finished up today. It's either a birthday or christmas present for Gak's father... depending on when I get the one for his mother done.
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