The day was beautiful, if a bit warm. It was even actually humid for California. The biggest problem was that for the ceremony, most of us sat in the sun and facing into it. That's OK. though. We all survived. They were kind enough to give us fans at each seat. They were the ones that Mom had originally ordered for Gak's and my wedding 2 years ago now, but they never came. So she canceled that order and scrambled to find something else, which worked just as nicely.

The cake was really yummy. It was a dense yellow cake with strawberry stuff between the layers. Mmmmm.... strawberries!

Rae and Kami's first dance was beautiful. They'd gone to dance lessons and had it choreographed. Friday, while they were practicing, Kami banged her ankle pretty hard into the bed frame. Rachel was in a panic (and she's the ER nurse!). Her dad calmed her down and everything turned out just fine. They were so cute. You can see that they truly do love each other with their whole heart. I'm so happy that they've found each other.
Well, I've got to finish packing and get out of here. I've got to get to work yet. Peace to all and may there be love in your life!
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