Well, it looks like I haven't done too well with my promise from Friday to post more this week. Here it is, Wednesday already, and this is the first post of the week. Oh well. I have an excuse.
I was going to post Monday from my hotel. That didn't happen because I'm still mad at my deskside support guy. The only Internet connection I could get was wireless, and well, my wireless card is present and working, but the drivers to set up connections with it, aren't. I asked point-blank about that when he reloaded my laptop and he said they were there. He lied.
Monday wasn't bad of a travel day, just really early. I did come out ahead of the game though. I got to the airport and they offered me $300 in ticket vouchers to switch travel plans and get in about 2 hours later. Oh, darn. I did, but it ended up being almost 3 hours later due to a maintenance issue.
I then had a 1.5 hour drive from Louisville, KY to my site in IN. It was quite a nice drive really. If I hadn't known better, I would have thought I was driving through central PA or MD. It was pretty and nice because I wasn't in a hurry. Just hungry. Unfortunately, I was on a back highway and didn't find anything edible until I was almost to my hotel.
I also felt like I was stuck in another West Wing episode. (The first time being with the landing gear issue at the beginning of the year...). I had just seen the scene over the weekend where Josh, Toby and Donna get left behind and mess up the whole time zone thing in Indiana. I had to keep double checking to make sure my cell phone was giving me the correct time. It was. I actually managed to stay in Eastern time zone all this week!
Yesterday was a good day. Again, it started early. I had to be onsite by about 7:15 to start training at 7:30. This meant I wrapped up by 3 or 3:30 though. That was nice. The people at this plant were really nice and friendly. They also each had their own area that they needed info on, so I wasn't boring the whole group at any one point. I enjoyed the day really, even if I was pretty tired.
Yesterday afternoon I drove back from IN to KY. One of my guild-mates from EQII lives in Louisville. (This was a deciding factor when I found out that where I was going was almost right in the middle between Indianapolis and Louisville...) I finally got to meet Charity and her honey Chris. I'd met Chris a few times online before, but he doesn't play all that often. We had a very enjoyable dinner and then went back to their place and I confused the heck out of Gak when I called him to see if he was logging in. Charitee and I decided we should have had her call, it would have confused him even more! We had an enjoyable time and then I had to head back to the hotel. Thank you so much Charitee for spending a little time with me, it was great to finally meet you in person!!
I was originally supposed to leave Louisville late this evening. (I figured a day in Louisville could be nice.) I decided against staying yesterday afternoon. I was able to change to a flight at the crack of dawn this morning for $25 and get home just about 12 hours earlier. I had called yesterday evening and if I wanted to change my flight it looked like $400 or more. The lady said there were plenty of open seats and that I could probably get on standby. Well, after a little bit of confusion (I had booked through Continental, but it was a Northwest flight...) I managed to get on a flight this morning for all of $25. I can handle that. That's less than what I would have spent between lunch and dinner out there.
I also lucked out because on the first leg of the flight Sam and I had an entire row of three seats to ourselves. As you can see above, he made use of the fact and sat in the window almost the entire flight. He's a very happy bear when he gets the chance to just look out the window as we go places. He (and I) love just watching the scenery. The second leg wasn't as nice. We weren't in a middle seat, but that's because it was a small enough plane not to have middle seats. That was OK. What wasn't so nice, was the fact that we were traveling through the weather which just showed up here. Actually, we were above it, but it made for a bit of a choppy ride and a very choppy landing. Ugh. I don't mind turbulence, except when it's most of the flight and especially during landing. My tummy was NOT happy.
Gak and I had lunch at the Red Robbin right near the airport. We've come to eat there frequently when he picks me up from the airport. They've got great food and reasonable prices. (Not to mention all the fries you want with your sandwich... a great point when it's noon and you've only had a tea and that was at 6am.) I took a nap when I got back home and Gak went to work.
We're arguing with Verizon at the moment. We're not getting a dial tone and not getting incoming calls.
We thought it was the phone, so we bought a new cordless phone.
We have DSL. It sounded like the filter wasn't working (it wasn't a dead line sound) and our DSL is working fine (hence why I'm able to write this...).
We changed the filter.
Finally Gak gets around to calling Verizon today. After going through stupid menu options and finally talking to someone, they won't come do anything until we test the line by plugging in a non-cordless phone.
We don't own one.
I thought we should pick one up a while ago, if only so we'd have phone if the power went out. (We get cell reception here, so I'm not overly worried about that...) But to be forced to pick one up by the phone company just because they won't send someone out. AARGH. Oh well, we'll take care of that and go from there. I seriously doubt that it's the phone, unless a brand-new just out of the box phone is crapola, then Gak will be getting his money back. (If he has the receipt that is....)
I'm still worried about my Gram. I wish I had time to go visit with her. Mom's going to her Dr. appointments on Monday morning. It's just scary and hurts a lot to think about my Gram's health and her not getting better (or worse...). I keep ignoring it like it'll just magically go away, but I know it won't. Please, send good thoughts or prayers her way. It'll mean a lot to me.
On a positive side, Michelle is coming up this weekend. It'll be fun. This is the first she's been able to escape since we saw her the first of the year (literally). We don't have a whole lot planned. On Sunday my friend Ed's little boy (6-months old now!) is being Christened and there's some kind of gathering afterwords. Michelle will be going with us since she knows Ed, and the more the merrier. My mom (Gramma Sue) is coming up for this as well and then heading down to MD. This weekend should be good.
Well, I've rambled on for way too long. Peace to all and may the rest of your weeks be easy.
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