It finally snowed here overnight. Not much mind you, it is only a little more than a coating on the cars and roads. It had been cold enough the last few days that the roads were cold enough for it to stick. Just enough to make everything look pretty for a few hours and then a bit mushy and messy the rest of the day.
Last night I finally found a hat pattern I wanted to make for myself that I thought would work. I used a chenille yarn instead of what it called for, so my first try was way too big. I fixed the problem this morning and you can see the result. It was some yarn I had lying around from a scarf that never happened. It matches my winter jacket perfectly! Now I know what I'm taking to ND the week after next.
I realize I haven't posted about the game in quite some time. That's because I'm in a bit of limbo. I haven't been out and about much as Addey. While in OK we found out that some friends are on a different server. Gak's been spending time with them. I've been spending time with my Fae. She's pretty cool and leveling nicely. Neither one of us has spent much time with Oops, our guild. Both of us are thinking about leaving the guild. No one real reason though, several little things that makes it feel like Oops just doesn't fit right. I'll keep ya posted. I truly miss being Addey. I mean, that's who I am right? I enjoy her skills and abilities and she's a fun little rat to be around.
Well, I've got to get my act together and get to work. Peace to all and may you only have the pretty kind of snow.
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