Well, today is the day. Christmas is finally here. I'm not sure, but this has been a long time coming really. It has felt like an epic struggle to get 'into' the holidays this year. Maybe it is because of the weather... or maybe my travel schedule. Who knows?
Anyhow, Christmas Eve mass went well last night. My niece did a great job as a little piggy. I couldn't get any pictures, I was fighting the settings on my camera, and was at a bad angle anyhow. Afterwards, we all went back to her house and some other family joined us and we had a good visit.
Today begins Gak and my vacation. Although, looking at it, it will be a heck of a lot of travel in a short time. In a little bit we're heading down to my parents. I'm making dinner and we'll have a relaxing time there. The tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn (or a little earlier actually, since the sun has just started it's return...) we head to the Philly airport to head to Gak's parents. We'll be there until Saturday and then we head home. Well, kinda home. After getting in extremely late Saturday night (Sunday morning) we head down to MD to visit with Michelle for New Year's. Then it's home and back to work. See... lots of travel, not a lot of time.
I'm actually looking forward to the trip to OK. Our friend, Mr. Chaos himself, will be coming down from Kansas for a bit on Friday. It should be fun. I haven't seen him in 7.5 years at this point.
Well, I guess I should wrap this up. I've got to get the rest of the groceries together for supper and get dressed before I head out the door. I hope you are getting to spend at least some time with the ones you love today or at some point this week. Peace to all.
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