Ok, disclaimer. This photo is actually from the last time I went to the Maryland Renaissance Festival in August of 2004. I don't have any of the handful of pictures I took this weekend downloaded from the camera yet.
This weekend was very different from the one in the picture. First off, we were in a different state (duh!). Second off, we didn't make it to the joust. Third off, it was grey and rained a little off and on all day.
Other than that.... This is where we were on Sunday. Use your imaginations here.
There were seven of us who trekked out to the Faire on a wet Sunday. It was a good time, despite the weather. Because of the weather it was not as crowded as a nice weekend could have been. We got a late start, so we didn't see as many shows as I would have liked. We missed the mid-day joust and staying for final joust means fighting with traffic for an hour just getting out of the parking lot! My niece had a good time, even if she was a little whinny at points. (I don't blame her much, it was alternately hot and sticky or cool and damp and grey in general.) We wandered around and did some people watching and window shopping. And in a few cases, made a purchase or two (I'm a sucker for blown glass). We sampled wine and mead and beer and enjoyed music and performers. We really could not have asked for much better of a day with friends. We all headed home just prior to the final joust because of the afore mentioned traffic as well as the fact that it looked like the skies were about to open up again for real.
This week seems to be going well. I have a crochet project and a sewing project to do for children of friends, one not here yet and the other who turns one soon. As much as I enjoy doing my crochet for Project Linus, it's a little more special (or maybe differently special) to do something for friends and family. I plan on working on these projects a little bit each day and they might actually get done in time! (Don't tell anyone!)
Peace to all my friends in Norrath and beyond.
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